Water Retention Question

In the past two weeks, I have "gained" 11.5 pounds. Now I know this isn't true, or possible, as I have been well under maintenance (net 1600 a day for a 1lb a week loss - I only have 10 more pounds to go!). I think I have figured it out what may have caused some of this but I just wanted to run my theories past some of you to see if I am right in thinking this. I think that I am retaining a lot of extra water, for four different reasons.

Firstly, I have very recently started running three times a week. I know I am using muscles that have not been used in a while.
Second, and sorry for TMI, but I was having to take laxatives this past two to three weeks as I was having some troubles going on my own. I stopped taking them about three days ago. (I read this can cause initial weight gain in people who take them for more than a week).
Third, I am about two days away from my time of the month. Again, sorry about TMI.
And lastly, and this I know is probably a big contributor, I have been eating a lot more packaged and instant meals this past little bit, therefor I have been taking in a lot of extra sodium.

My question is, with all these factors, is it possible to actually be retaining that much extra water? An 11.5 lb jump on the scale is a huge difference. Also, about how long should I expect to see some of this go back to normal?


  • belle713
    belle713 Posts: 30
    Wow... a trifecta! LOL... I'm no expert but I'd say the last 3 would do it, BIGTIME! Any one of those, singly, could do it but all 3 together... probably adds up to 11 lbs.

    I would be careful with your salt, drink a bit more water and weigh again after your period. It will probably be gone. :)

    Good luck!
  • Thanks, I'll just keep sticking it out and hydrating lots! I'm starting to watch the sodium intake too now.

    Also, bump! Anyone else ever run into something like this?
  • MrsBach
    MrsBach Posts: 34 Member
    That will happen when you start running. You're sweating more than before so your body wants to keep some water in reserve. It will even out over time as you keep running.

    The processed and packaged foods are loaded with sodium. Nuff said there.
  • Thanks for the reply, that's what I'm hoping for.