Insanity - Just bought it -- Success Stories?

Hi there. I just bought the insanity dvds and I am very excited to get started. I know it is very challenging and I am very hopeful I will see results at the conclusion of the 60 days. I am looking for some input as to how successful the program is and wanted some specifics as far as success stories....really interested in how much weight you have lost, or how many sizes you have gone down. Thank you in advance for your insight.



  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member
    Not to be negative. But be VERY careful! My husband was going to do insanity and decided against it because of all the feedback toward knee injuries where people have blown out their knees doing the workout from all the jumping and hopping. Listen to your body when doing this workout to avoid injuries and GOOD LUCK!
  • brandonlasota
    I loved Insanity. I'm already in the normal range on my BMI, but i was told by numerous people they could see a difference. ATTENTION: You will probably not see any results until week 5. I wasn't seeing them and found that most people won't appear to look fitter until around that week no matter how hard you work at it. So don't get discouraged. Keep with it. It's definatley worth it. I completed my first round last November and was going to start this past monday for a 2nd, but my work schedule changed. Make sure you follow the meal plan. Don't have to do it exactly, but try to get in the same calorie, and other item intake as they recommend for your weight. For one of my #'s, I went from a 26% body fat down to 11% in just my 60 days.
  • brandonlasota
    She's right, you do need to watch your body and listen to your joints. My knees could handle everything. Make sure you buy good shoes as they'll help a lot. I did mine on a hardwood floor with the reebok zigs cross trainers. You need cross trainers because of all the up,down, lateral movement. Also when you start to do the program, make sure you're landing softly. Shaun T will never ask you to jump as high as you can and land like you want to break a hole in your floor. The idea is to land softly so that you don't jar your knees, ankles, or any other joints associated with the movement you're doing. I did just fine for 60 days but was a little sore. I wouldn't recommend insanity back to back. My wife started doing it and she was starting to have joint pain really bad. I sat and watched one of her workouts and she was jumping high, then just falling until her feet hit the ground. I told her to cushion her falls. The next week she was doing it and increased her endurance/reps and wasn't having any pain because she wasn't just paying attention to how how she could get or how many reps she got, but also every single landing. You jump 100 times, you have to land softly 100 times. Even 10 non soft lands out of 100 jumps could ruin your workout and possibly injure your joints requiring some time off.
  • rachie590
    rachie590 Posts: 107 Member
    I'll be done with month 1 on Saturday!! So far I've lost 9 lbs and 10 inches total. My ticker is wrong because last time I used MFP (before the start of insanity} I was thinner than when I started Insanity. Anyway, I love it. I am becoming a stronger runner and I'm convinced the increases in endurance and speed during my 3-4 times a week thirty minute runs is because of Insanity. I usually don't stretch as much as I should, and all the stretching that they do in Insanity seems to have really helped me. So I guess it is important to note that I run in addition to Insanity, but I hadn't lost anything from running, I think my body is just used to it.

    Oh and in response to all the warnings of injury. I'm 31 years old and have 51 lbs to lose to be in the "normal weight range" for my height. I do pay attention to my form, but I wear a HRM to make sure I am constantly pushing myself. Landing all the moves with a soft knee is important. If you can't safely do the moves, then do something you can do during that part of the workout. Just keep moving! You will notice the people in the video take breaks and sometimes just march in place, I don't know if that is just to encourage us mortals, but it's nice to see it's okay to modify or take breaks even when they aren't prescribed.

    Feel free to add me if you want daily encouragement and support!
  • SansyPansy
    SansyPansy Posts: 17
    insanity is AMAZING. i did it before and lost a ton of weight. im starting it again.

    with the injury thing.. you have to know your limits. they even tell you in the video.. GO AT YOUR OWN PACE.

    Those people working out behind Shaun T are PROFESSIONAL athletes.. and THEY even drop out once in a while! They had something like 30 days to even just PREPARE for insanity.

    Its not called insanity for no reason.

    But if you go at your own pace youll be fine. you wont be able to do every rep every time. thats FINE! you will still lose weight and build muscle. and as you go along in the program you'll find yourself doing more reps and getting stronger and less tired throughout.

    it works!
  • SansyPansy
    SansyPansy Posts: 17
    oh and if you have an injury.. just work around it. i have a knee injury (patellar tendonitis among other things) and i cant do the power squats and stuff like that that's hard on the knees.. so i just replace them with regular squats. just keep moving and you'll keep losing! :drinker:
  • rooby2sday
    rooby2sday Posts: 6 Member
    I got two and a half weeks into it a while back and stopped because of the knee pain. I was doing it without shoes on my carpeted living room floor. After a break, I started back up. I'm now on week 3 and have had no joint problems. (I've been wearing good shoes this time!) Making sure to land softly, even if you don't jump as high, is really important for the joints, too. Other than that, I love what you can do in your living room and I don't have to worry about the weather. I also love that you don't have to buy any additional equipment to complete the workouts. I can't tell much of a difference in my body yet, lost a few pounds, but I can definitely tell that my cardio endurance and strength are up. I feel much better than when I started. Tough but lots of fun.
  • jilly1130
    jilly1130 Posts: 52 Member
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    I love Insanity!! I didn't see a change on the scale, but I toned up a lot!! I'm a runner, and I saw more change in 60 days of Insanity than I did training for any of my half marathons.

    I just started my second round of Insanity, but this time I'm incorporating clean eating because I know that will make a difference. I just started a group for people that are currently doing Insanity but want to really focus on their diet too. I will send you a request. You should join us!! :)
  • paulie1976
    I'm starting it tomorrow - any motivational tips to get me through. I'm well up for it at the moment but it seems lots of people stop part way through.

    I'm reasonably fit from running and cycling a bit (although still overweight according to bmi) but think this going to be a real challenge as I've not done anything like it before.
  • paulie1976
    I'm starting it tomorrow - any motivational tips to get me through. I'm well up for it at the moment but it seems lots of people stop part way through.

    I'm reasonably fit from running and cycling a bit (although still overweight according to bmi) but think this going to be a real challenge as I've not done anything like it before.
  • paulie1976
    Day 1 done. That was bad enough. This is going to be tough.
  • heyyeahiknow
    heyyeahiknow Posts: 15 Member
    i am going to buy it and try it excited. what is your progress so faR?
  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    I did Insanity last year and completed it on my 50th birthday and weighing in at about 185. Before starting I googled how to modify insanity moves and got some good ideas. I never once had knee or joint issues but I played it safe and modified a lot of the jumping moves. My fitness level increased tremendously....major change between 1st and last fit test. Lost some inches but didn't really see much weightloss but that was probably diet related. I would definitely recommend this workout to anyone just listen to form instructions and listen to your body.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I did a few workouts here and there a while back but didn't finish it. My brother did and the difference was brilliant. He wasn't following the food plans either.

    I'm just finishing week two of sticking with it daily. I'm enjoying it and am continuing this week as best as i can with my schedule. I'm going on holiday in 4 weeks so probably won't finish it before hand but if i can start seeing a difference i'll be happy.

    Oh and no aches and pains for me....well only good ones! ;)
  • philiesgrl22
    philiesgrl22 Posts: 19 Member
    I've done daily burn, and that did too many thing on my hands and knees and it messed up my wrists. Does insanity do a lot like that? I am interested in something new and challenging.
  • kryss247
    kryss247 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi there! I'm on my fourth round of insanity. I started at 256 pounds at 5'2. I completed my third round with a loss of 100 pounds!!! Went from a size 24 to a size 12. I am now on my forth round of insanity. 40 more pounds to go ! Inspo pics are in the group forum of '100+ pound club'. I started it a couple days ago. Feel free to join :)