should i take a suplement and protein shake

SJT75 Posts: 134
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss

i'm really trying to stay positive but i'm struggling to get started with my weight loss (seem to be going backwards!) and wondered if anyone has tried the maxi muscle sculptress range? could it help now or do i need to lose some weight first?

i'm 5"2 and 166lbs (have about 30lbs to lose)

Any advice welcome :-)



  • I don't know about that specific brand, but I do know that any supplement shake that has little sugar and lots of protein is going to make you feel full longer. Add to that vitamins and minerals and you've got a good snack or meal. Just remember to log your calories and don't depend on these shakes for the majority of your calories (since you still need fruits, veggies, good fats, and carbs).
  • Hi,

    Weight loss is just a math problem. You need to ingest less calories than you spent. I guarantee that if you are disciplined to enter everything you eat everyday, you will be able to keep correcting your diet until you find one that helps you keep the weight you want. and you will see results immediately. MFP is amazing, but you have to be consistent and disciplined! Also, Exercising will help you a lot, particularly cardio, and again, be honest when entering about the number of proteins you burn. About protein shakes, those are necessary if you want to build muscle. If you do not want to build muscle, you really do not need to eat protein supplement. I am totally addicted to MFP is so much fun to get to know your body so well that you can control it!!!!

    Best of luck!
  • I have tried the sculptress bars (chocolate and orange). They taste nice, have 20g of protein so fill you up and they give you a chocolate fix, without the high calories, if you feel the need for chocolate. I haven't used them much but ate one today after exercise.
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    Remember food is a fuel not a hobby
    Alex is right if you take in less calories than you expend you will lose.....just dont dip to low because that will steal your energy and you wont feel worth a tiddle
    The absolute best way to lose weight has nothing to do with shakes or supplements unless you are a body builder and are training for competition
    As a nurse I can say It is a good practice to take a multivitamin, extra calcium, Vit D and fish oil caps. These will help fight the aging problems of heart disease and osteoporosis
    The best way to lose weight is a life style change not diet....Diets dont work and you regain everything you lose I know!
    A life style change is a good habit that is with you for life

    This includes watching your calorie intake and fat intake and exercising at least 30 minutes a day in addition to weight training 3 days a week

    It doesn't have to be boring exercise! There are so many ways to burn those calories....doing fun things

    You want to eat 3 larger meals a mid morning snack and mid afternoon snack during a day
    By eating 5 times a day you boost that metabolism

    Choose from healthy foods. experiment with different seasonings and different recipes Why would I want a nasty health bar when I can enjoy GOOD FOOD:)

    By doing these will lose weight and feel awesome

    Good luck
  • First off, caveat: everyone has to find their own way. So, if you find that a shake works for you, great. I know people who swear by eating multiple small meals...I've found that every time I eat is just an opportunity to make the wrong choice, so I prefer eating fewer, large meals. Am I wrong? Who the hell cares? I've lost 65 lbs and am keeping it off. So, I'll continue in my "wrong ways" because they work for me. ;-)

    Now, the advice. Although losing weight is really challenging, this is really the easy part, although I know it doesn't feel like that now. What you are really working on in the background, and the part that is really hard, is learning how to keep the weight off you loose and to *maintain* a healthy weight. Therefore, successful people tend to lose weight in the same ways that they maintain it. Often, regainers tend to be those who lost weight in ways that they *personally* couldn't sustain, regardless of whether someone else could. I'm sure you know at least one person who lost weight by training for a race or marathon...but never stopped to consider whether they really enjoyed running enough to do it for the rest of their lives. Race is over...still eating like a runner but not running? Weight comes back. So. whether the shakes work or not is perhaps not the best question to ask. Rather, you might ask yourself, do you plan to drink protein shakes (instead of eating food) for the rest of your life? Are you going to be taking supplements everyday to maintain your weight loss?

    Maybe. I certainly know enough health nuts who eat breakfast and or lunch smoothies instead of actual food...but these folks also tend to be a little, um, obsessive and lean toward the ascetic. Which probably doesn't describe most of us who have ever struggled with obesity. ;-)

    I know some people use things like shakes and bars *in a pinch.* But its probably best to structure weight loss around the same tools that you plan to use to keep it off. Because, you *are* living life. Right now. Not holding your breath closing your eyes until you're thinner. Even though you're overweight and trying to lose weight for your health, this moment shouldn't look much different than your future "thinner" moments.

    All my best and Good luck!
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