I dont know what to do



  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    After all the great advice you've been given, this is going to seem sad and pathetic, but are you weighing yourself at the same time and under the same circumstances every time you weigh? I ask because in one post you referenced "tonight" in reference to your weight.

    Weighing in the evening will almost always lead to heartbreak because your body still has all of the day's food and beverages in it. I find that morning, upon first waking up (but after using the toilet) is a more reliable and consistent number.

    Also, don't weigh more often than once a day. That will only lead to madness as you see the numbers go up and down over the course of the day. In fact, you might want to put the scale away for a week and just weigh one day a week or even every other week. Then you'll be more likely to see a change, which will be more motivating than the emotional roller coaster of all the minuscule ups and downs.

    Congrats on those first 27 pounds, too!

    hi - yes im sorta scale-obsessed,, the more i fret about this, the more i cant wait till the morning to peek. it seems i am 2 pounds less in the morning than at night.. so if scale says 335 tonight that means i prolly will be 333 in the morning.. but i do my weight recording officially first thing in the morning.
  • austinstow
    try to drink at least a gallon of water a day. it seems like a lot but trust me, it works. try to eat 6 small meals a day and include a protein in each meal.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    good news! my doc gave me a script for a place here in the city that has a program (one of several) that has an 8 week - exercise/nutrition/motivation program, that will get me going.. they are professional nutritionists, dieticiian, physical therapist which i hope (will see tomorrow) if it will be paid for by my insurance. this would be great.. 3 x a week exercise, once a week motivation and once a week dietician, and they will do the measurements, bmi, fat measurement, etc... and all that.. its not like a gym trainer, this is like going to physical thereapy.

    That ought to help a lot... its considered therapy under insurance....

    will see tomorrow :)
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    Water. Water. Water. Water. That is the easiest place to start! Your body NEEDS to be hydrated in order to function at its best!

    Don't try to make a bunch of changes all at once. Start small. Get in a habit (habits take 21 days to form. Good OR bad!) and then add in something else!

    I aim for a gallon a day. 8 oz right after I wake up and at least 8 oz before I got to bed. YES, I pee all damn day. YES, I get up at night to pee. But you know what? My mind is more alert and I have more energy. The days I don't get a gallon in, the next day I retain water and feel sluggish.

    Baby steps! You got this!
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    From what I have read, exercise is difficult for you at this point, which I totally get. For starters, I think you might want to invest in some really good shoes. You mentioned New Balance, which is great for some people, but not for you. I am not sure where you live, but you can usually find a store that specializes in running/walking shoes. When I trained for my first marathon (that I walked), I went to one of these stores and they had me walk barefoot outside and on a treadmill, asked me what type of walking i was doing (indoor, outdoor, flat, sand, etc) and they were able to determine the best shoe for me. I ended up with a Nike shoe that has never given me blisters or hurt my feet. Here is L.A. the stores are RoadRunners, A Runner's Circle, Front Runners. Google 'runner shops' in your area. You can get that kind of expertise from a department store, Foot Locker or even your basic sporting goods store.

    Once you've got some good shoes, add walking into everyday things. At grocery stores, Target, the mall - I park the furthest from the door. I walk to lunch at work. Sometimes I walk to the grocery store if I just need a few things. I've added 2-3000 steps per day this way.

    Best of luck!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    From what I have read, exercise is difficult for you at this point, which I totally get. For starters, I think you might want to invest in some really good shoes. You mentioned New Balance, which is great for some people, but not for you. I am not sure where you live, but you can usually find a store that specializes in running/walking shoes. When I trained for my first marathon (that I walked), I went to one of these stores and they had me walk barefoot outside and on a treadmill, asked me what type of walking i was doing (indoor, outdoor, flat, sand, etc) and they were able to determine the best shoe for me. I ended up with a Nike shoe that has never given me blisters or hurt my feet. Here is L.A. the stores are RoadRunners, A Runner's Circle, Front Runners. Google 'runner shops' in your area. You can get that kind of expertise from a department store, Foot Locker or even your basic sporting goods store.

    Once you've got some good shoes, add walking into everyday things. At grocery stores, Target, the mall - I park the furthest from the door. I walk to lunch at work. Sometimes I walk to the grocery store if I just need a few things. I've added 2-3000 steps per day this way.

    Best of luck!

    Hi - i live in chicago and I think I will go to the Nike store here, I've seen the shoes with the smaller toe box, the New Balance which are supposed to be the best shoes, actually does not fit my feet too well because of the big toe box.. weird! I didn't know that shoe stores do that for your feet.. wow thanks!

    Thanks for the excellent comments, already I am encouraged!! all is not lost,, i had a 30 day learning experience is all,but still was able to follow what i thought was right, vs eating pie or fudge or something... so I am ready for the next level of digging deeper.

    Hey all :) what do you think about the Biggest Loser workouts? They are so tough, i cringe at some of the things there... i dont think i could handle THAT!! :) ever!
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    nonnymousse1 that program sounds great! I wish you the best of luck.
  • warshawm
    warshawm Posts: 5 Member
    Try changing up your workout routine. If you aren't already lifting weights (not a lot) try substituting some weight lifting in lieu of cardio. Your body adapts to the exercises you are doing, so you need to change it up, to "jump start" your metabolism. Try it and see how it works.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Try changing up your workout routine. If you aren't already lifting weights (not a lot) try substituting some weight lifting in lieu of cardio. Your body adapts to the exercises you are doing, so you need to change it up, to "jump start" your metabolism. Try it and see how it works.

    thank you! i will do that as soon as i begin to excercise regularly.. right now i can get swimming and water aerobics and a bit of walking on treadmill ... i hope the exercise therapist will give me some good exercises.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolic rate working so you do not get the crash and burn. Insulin is the fat storing hormone. you want to keep your metabolic rate on an even keel and will control your blood sugar level.

    Eat Low Glycemic foods. 50% vegetable and fruit, 25% good lean protein and 25% good fats like fish, avocados, walnuts, olive oil. This is what you put on your plate.


    Hi - can you explain please?

    Thermic effect of food scales with meals so you can have 1 giant meal a day or 36 small meals, its all the same.
    Our ancestors used to eat for 4 hours a day.
    They would walk around gathering food and hunting and they were lean, strong, and their metabolism was fine.

    Since you are looking to lose fat, dont wrap your brain around eating frequency.
    Just eat a healthy amount of calories a day, 1600-2200 a day, lift weights 2-4x a week, walk 10k steps and sleep 8hours a night.
    I do start most of my clients out intermittent fasting but thats to teach them what hunger and hunger urges are so they can differentiate between the 2.

    As for the nutritional break down...
    Keep fructose to 30g or less a day so the equivalent to 3 apples or less.
    Eat plenty of veggies and look to the paleo style: asparagus, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots and parsnips, spinach.
    Eat about 30-40% protein in all forms except soy.
    Truth is you could go as low as 90g of protein and up to 1g/lb LBM......you do know your body fat%? Right?
    And if you want to save your carbs for dinner then so be it.
    Eating carbs after 7pm is just as good as eating them after 7am.

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet<---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • shrimpydoo
    shrimpydoo Posts: 112 Member
    Been there :) THe most important thing is to not give up or 'sabotage' your success to date. Mix it up a bit. Use this opportunity to focus on some new recipes, try new foods even. Treat yourself that way. There are some great low calorie treats on the market these days.

    I'm also on a fluid pill and it takes a while for your body to regulate itself...even the prescription may require altering until your physican gets it 'bang on'. One thing about fluid pills is that it may affect your potassium levels and potassium is something our bodies need. My physician encouraged me to incorporate things like bananas, oranges, orange juice or other healthy sources of potassium into a regular eating plan.

    Good luck. Don't give up!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    It sounds like you are stressing a lot about doing exercise "right" and thinking if you can't "Do Exercise" then you might as well not even....

    What exercise physiologists are discovering, though, is that just about ANYTHING you do that gets you up and moving? Is incredibly beneficial. The CDC, WHO, American Heart Association -- they all confirm that you should aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. That's 25 minutes of walking fast enough to elevate your heart rate, 6 days a week. It can be done in 10-minute sessions.

    That amount? May not be enough to burn thousands of calories and make you lose a lot of weight? But what it does is to significantly improve how your body handles insulin and significantly lower your risk of diabetes (and heart disease).

    Just because activity doesn't make you slim doesn't mean it's not beneficial. The research that tells us "losing weight improves mortality?" Generally is only looking at a 10% loss from starting weight. Even a loss that leaves you officially 'obese' is an improvement, and even exercise that doesn't seem like stereotypical "EXERCISE!" will make you healthier.
  • wannabhealthy50
    wannabhealthy50 Posts: 67 Member
    Exercise: I do very little because of severe feet issues.
    Food: I weigh and measure everything I eat. I eat protein first, then vegetables, then fruit, then carbs (if any room left)
    Water: I drink 48 to 64 ounces every day
    Weighing: I weigh myself once a week only, at the same time.

    **I have a loss every week!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Exercise: I do very little because of severe feet issues.
    Food: I weigh and measure everything I eat. I eat protein first, then vegetables, then fruit, then carbs (if any room left)
    Water: I drink 48 to 64 ounces every day
    Weighing: I weigh myself once a week only, at the same time.

    **I have a loss every week!

    Hi - that has to be the key to all this :) thank you for letting me know it does not have to be drudgery :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member

    Eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolic rate working so you do not get the crash and burn. Insulin is the fat storing hormone. you want to keep your metabolic rate on an even keel and will control your blood sugar level.

    Eat Low Glycemic foods. 50% vegetable and fruit, 25% good lean protein and 25% good fats like fish, avocados, walnuts, olive oil. This is what you put on your plate.


    Hi - can you explain please?

    Thermic effect of food scales with meals so you can have 1 giant meal a day or 36 small meals, its all the same.
    Our ancestors used to eat for 4 hours a day.
    They would walk around gathering food and hunting and they were lean, strong, and their metabolism was fine.

    Since you are looking to lose fat, dont wrap your brain around eating frequency.
    Just eat a healthy amount of calories a day, 1600-2200 a day, lift weights 2-4x a week, walk 10k steps and sleep 8hours a night.
    I do start most of my clients out intermittent fasting but thats to teach them what hunger and hunger urges are so they can differentiate between the 2.

    As for the nutritional break down...
    Keep fructose to 30g or less a day so the equivalent to 3 apples or less.
    Eat plenty of veggies and look to the paleo style: asparagus, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, broccoli, carrots and parsnips, spinach.
    Eat about 30-40% protein in all forms except soy.
    Truth is you could go as low as 90g of protein and up to 1g/lb LBM......you do know your body fat%? Right?
    And if you want to save your carbs for dinner then so be it.
    Eating carbs after 7pm is just as good as eating them after 7am.

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet<---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<

    ah! thank you for explaining that. :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    It sounds like you are stressing a lot about doing exercise "right" and thinking if you can't "Do Exercise" then you might as well not even....

    What exercise physiologists are discovering, though, is that just about ANYTHING you do that gets you up and moving? Is incredibly beneficial. The CDC, WHO, American Heart Association -- they all confirm that you should aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. That's 25 minutes of walking fast enough to elevate your heart rate, 6 days a week. It can be done in 10-minute sessions.

    That amount? May not be enough to burn thousands of calories and make you lose a lot of weight? But what it does is to significantly improve how your body handles insulin and significantly lower your risk of diabetes (and heart disease).

    Just because activity doesn't make you slim doesn't mean it's not beneficial. The research that tells us "losing weight improves mortality?" Generally is only looking at a 10% loss from starting weight. Even a loss that leaves you officially 'obese' is an improvement, and even exercise that doesn't seem like stereotypical "EXERCISE!" will make you healthier.

    ah! that reminds me of a while back when i was walking about 15 miles per week when i was healthier and could do it - i went walking and it was fun, out here by the lake, i was even walking the 4.5 mile walk to work... then someone rained on my parade - a trainer at one of the health club chains here, told me "oh that walking did you no good, you have to work inside here with a trainer to get the best benefit"... that totally was the WORST thing she could have said... sounded like she wanted to get more $$$$ because you'd have to pay her.... all that work, seemed to come crashing down in hearing that one discouraging thing. but i knew i was doing some good, walking to work rather than take the bus.. sheesh!!! people should not say such things whether on purpose to take advantage of people, or just being inadvertently stupid.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    hey eveyrone! I thank you for all your comments, which i have read them all.. I might not comment on everyone's but i appreciate your input, thats what i wanted to say. i think i'd be taking up too much space here replying to everyone.. lol and believe me i could write an essay ...

    i am able to use some ideas, some not ready for yet, will have to build up to it.. but I cant wait to see the results from these feww changes i can make in this next month.

    if anything, the month was not wasted because i did wean myself off some things that were addicting to me.

    thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to care enough about me.. and no one was rude! You guys are the BESTEST bunch evah!!!!

    xoxoxo - from a person totally discouraged and frustrated the other day to now enocuraged!!! :)
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    welll well well, i measured a few things today - found out I WAS UNDERREPORTING MY CALORIES / FOOD.


    I thought a cup of milk was a small glass - turns out it is about half that same glass.

    in the morning when i get my large coffee (16 oz?) i dump out the half and half creamer, thought it was a few tbs, but it was 1/4 CUP half and half. sheesh!!!!

    im firing my eyeballs,, coz they have NOT been doing their job grrrrrr ..

    thats the problem. sheesh!!!

    thank you all for pointing that out to me.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Great job! It is very eye-opening when we start actually measuring and weighing food. Our perception of normal serving has been skewed for so long.
    Cereal is one of the worst. A serving is typically 3/4 to one cup. But the picture on the box shows a full bowl that is probably 3 or more servings.
    Now that we know better, we can do better. You are on your way to better health!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Well I am rethinking the exercise thing that i was going to try. Today i walked to the gym from home and i made it there ok, but on the way back i only could go 2 blocks. something happened in the week that i think i stretched the back of one of my calf muscles or something, because now i am walking with a limp, so it is very exhausting. It probably has to go away in time by itself but i am thinking that I am not ready to go do exercise 3 times a week.. not sure what they will propose at the wellness center, but i just dont know about doing exercise right now that much. maybe i should just stick to my swimming. or maybe im going to have to go to the expense of taking my car and paying $3.00 for parking each time :(

    Good news though,, when i walked past the one bus stop that is half way between my home and the gym, they put up a bench this week there.. yay! so i dont know, i might be able to handle this short distance to the gym, but not sure if i can trot to the wellness center all the way which is going to cause me to walk more than 2 blocks which is my limit.

    or maybe i will go check with the other wellness center at the hospital and go with that, it will be less walking..

    but my rambling here ,, what im saying is, maybe i could lose weight first (about 30 pounds) which may take a couple months and not do a lot of exercise .. i dont know if i need to.. heck, some of you guys exercise and eat back your calories so if im going to the gym its in order to lose MORE calories. I could lose 200 calories either by walking the treadmill a half hour or just not eating a food item. ok i understand exercise is not necessarily to burn calories, but i dont see the benefit if we're just eating back our calories. so eating back my calories is a no for me. that would be too discouraging to go thru that pain just in order to eat back calories. im pretty much overweight so i dont think that i need to do that.

    so i guess what i am sahying is - i am having a hard time walking and this is keeping me from going out and so unless i take my car to the gym, its going to be a very hard challenge to actually go, so i really dont know if i need to worry about exercise now, if i go once a week or twice a week that is enough for me. (the gym is about 5-6 blocks from my home, and it is very hard for me to walk more than 2 blocks, and so i need to take the bus partway at least. after a long day of being on my feet that 2 blocks is very painful for my feet. so i am tryhing to work on it by at least trying and i have to go get new shoes. i did get out today walking around, so i am doing waht i can do, but short bursts is it.