Stuck at home.

wannabthatgirl Posts: 33
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I live in an apartment with a 5 month old baby.....I am not willing to leave my daughter at daycare at this age so I cannot get to the gym. Living in an apartment I dont even have room for a treadmill or excercise equipment. I know I can take my daughter for a walk but its such a proccess because I have to walk up 3 flights of stairs carrying a baby and a stroller! (not very easy). I feel like I am so stuck and its hopeless for me to even begin loosing weight. I really don't know what to do....I know I can do crunches, pushups...I was just wondering if anyone else is in this same boat limited to what they have at home and what do you do? Anything fun? I really need a boost and some suggestions PLEASE!



  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I hear Leslie sansone's walking dvd is good ... I started of with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd and love it... I personally don't like going to the gym, because I feel restricted. You can actually try different dvd's, they are a lot of fun and can do at your convenience :) Good luck
  • Was going to suggest Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. I have used them in the past. Main reason I don't now is because I don't have room for me and my kids to do them at the same time. It's easier to go out for a walk with them. When I was using them regularly I did lose weight. Check your library, they may have some that you can try.
  • First big congrats on joining MFP. Often the first step is the hardest. My kids are now much older but I have been in your shoes. So here are some ideas. In the past I have use a stability ball and simple hand weights to get in my strength training. Cardio I had to totally rack my brain though so this is the best solution. Maybe getting a baby backpack instead of a stroller to go for walks. The only other thing is getting a jumprope or a hula hoop. (my daughter came up with those) to raise your heartrate.
    I hope this helps
    Beiing stuck inside is tough I really admire you for trying to find a way.

  • Leslie Sansome's videos are great. I totally recommend them not much space needed at all. :) Good Luck.
  • Get the stroller out. I know it's a process, but so worth it once you and baby hit the fresh air! I did it with my daughter and it helped her sleep at night, and exercising outdoors helped me feel not so "stuck" which as a first time mom- I felt very much "stuck" with a newborn needing me 24-7 and having to struggle to do all the little errands that were once so easy when I was alone. DVDs didn't work for me because my daughter was really colicky. I couldn't get thru a workout DVD without her crying, and being in an apartment I was worried that the neighbors would complain about her crying so loudly. Outside, the walk seemed to help her a little. And if she did cry, atleast I was outside and not in my tiny apartment with it echoing off the walls! I know it seems like a lot now, but I think after doing it sometime, you don't mind as much lugging out the stroller. I still hate dragging the thing out everyday, but it's worth it to me when I am done. Good luck
  • macbikegeek
    macbikegeek Posts: 23 Member
    Going for a walk is a great idea. While going up and down the 3 flights of stairs is certainly a real pain and hard work, it also contributes to your exercise. I think getting outside and walking is likely to help a lot of things, not just the exercise. Having a change of scenery and fresh air from being inside should be a positive thing mentally. Try to walk to the nicest places you can in your neighborhood so the walk is a treat for you (and your baby, as she gets older).

    You mention in your profile that counting calories and working out at the gym worked for you before, and you are here, so I take that as a good sign you are ready to count again. I think you have the right idea about exercising at home. I'm not an expert on that, so I'll hope someone else who exercises at home can chime in.

    My daughter and lots of other people who have posted online here and in comments for the DVDs on Amazon swear by various sorts of videos to use at home so you aren't just trying to do it all by yourself. Just from looking at a couple of them (P90, 30 Day Shred) and the comments, it is clear that there are lots of approaches. What works for you will be individual for you, whether it is dance based, work out with crunches and pushups and so on or other things. Pick something fun, especially if it takes you back to some activity you enjoyed in the past. And make sure you pick someone who you can enjoy listening to.

    Don't give up. You sound like you have all the right kinds of goals, and you've done this before, so we all know you can do it again. Best of luck and enjoy your wonderful daughter!

  • I was stuck in the EXACT same situation! When I had my daughter, we were living in a very small 3rd floor apartment. I wanted to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but with my husband being in the military I didn't really know anyone, nor would I let her attend daycare until she was old enough to talk. I actually did a Richard Simmons DVD (don't laugh, it was 14 years ago lol)...and lost every bit of that weight and then some! I got back into the jeans I wore in highschool, even though it was only 2 years later. I think in that situation, your best bet is some kind of work out dvd.

    I still use a variety of work out dvd's, and I agree with anu_6986, Jillian's 30 day shred is great. I also use the Power 90 dvd. Zumba is another great dvd. The good thing about these dvd's is there's not a lot of room needed, and the only equipment you'll need is hand weights. There are so many dvd's out there, the important thing is to do something, anything, that will get you active. If I were back in that situation, a work out dvd is what I would do again. Good luck...I hope you're able to find something that works for you!
  • All these ideas are great I particularly like the jump rope and hoola-hoop idea. I was going to recommend the Wii fit. I soooo luv the Wii fit. It's sooo much fun...and something your baby will enjoy watching you do and something you can do together as your baby grows. As well dancing...put the music on and dance your lil booty off like no one is watching and have fun and dont stop until you cant take it no more. I love doing this...i go in my room put my favorite music on and dance till i drop. Even though i dont know how to dance i still have fun and the pounds will fall off believe me they will. Lots of luck to you Ms. Stuck at home! :)
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    I would try to get some exercise videos. Maybe if you know someone who has children also try to swap of watching each other kids & that way you could get away & go for a walk or run.
  • Thanks for the suggestions!

    Sounds like DVD's are a suggestion by most and I don't know why that never occured to me!

    Because I am so young none of my friends have children yet and not to mention I relocated for my fiance' so I don't really know many people around this area!

    WII fit is a good idea too I like that!

    Crazy to see how just a little conversing between my fellow mfp's can give me the help I need! Thanks again!
  • Carry the stroller down first then come down with everything else. Or maybe leave the stroller in your car, so you dont have to carry it back and forth.
  • One other thing I recommend is get an umbrella stroller. They are very small and light easy to carry up and down steps.
  • One other thing I recommend is get an umbrella stroller. They are very small and light easy to carry up and down steps.

    That too is SUCH a smart idea I should have thought of that!!!!!! Better get some walking in! After all this is Canada who knows when the snow is going to start flying!
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