Belly Fat

Sooooo...... I have lost a substantial amount of weight, I am down from an 18/20 (should have been all 20) to a 12/14. I look at all these side pictures people post and see that nearly everyone loses the belly. I have lost hips, butt, waist....but my belly seems to have remained the same. Droopy, sad and ugly which is VERY frustrating! :grumble: So, my question is. Is there something I should eat, or some exercise I should be doing??? :huh: I keep hearing that it's fat, and cardio should be working. I do a butt ton of cardio and a butt ton of ab work and still....nothing. Help please?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Belly fat is usually the last to go so keep on keeping on. Someday it will go and you'll be able to show off those abs you've worked on.
  • nancyl8198
    nancyl8198 Posts: 24 Member
    From what I've read the best way to eliminate belly fat through exercise is not through ab exercises but by working your legs. Those are your larger muscles and building them up will help you burn more calories. I'm not an expert, just repeating what I've read on the boards here and what my personal trainer has told me.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    You can't spot reduce. As your BF% lowers, you will lose the belly, but your body is probably going to get rid of the fat from everywhere else first. :grumble: It will eventually happen though, just be patient.