Bye Bye Blubber!

battgurl Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Day 2 using this site. I'm so inspired and motivated to loose 40 lbs. I've struggled all my life at maintaining a healthy weight. Lost 50+lbs over 5 years ago and now it's almost all creeped back. It's so easy to fall into back into bad habits. So after telling myself I'd never be that chunky girl again I'm back at fighting the battle of the bulge. I don't want to keep doing this to my body. This now has to be a full on lifestyle change. My husband and I are going to do this together. Support is so important. These message boards are so helpful. Wonderful that we can all support each other in reaching our goals. WE CAN DO IT!!


  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Yes, you can do it! Good luck to you and your husband and congratulations for taking charge of your life and health.
  • Good Luck!!
  • Good Luck:)
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    My husband recently started with me too, and it's great to have that support!! Welcome and good luck!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    this is an awesome site. I too lost alot of weight several years ago and gained it all back but we can do it, we know how and this time we will keep it off because we are learning new habits not just dieting.And yes having support is so important
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    welcome!! =)
  • tishieb
    tishieb Posts: 80 Member
    I think it's awesome that you and M are doing this together. Fantastic. There is NOTHING better than the support from your loved one(s) Last year A was totally feeling in the dumps because he had put on 30 pounds. He had a rough time after some *kitten* made bad comments about their noticing it and he decided he wanted to change. He found a routine that worked for him and he stuck to it like glue. I believe he lost like 35 pounds and has been able to maintain it. I'm really proud of him and the best part is is that he encourages a healthy eating lifestyle. He's very smart and helpful and knows a lot about food and healthy eating which is sooo helpful for me. We both eat healthily on a daily basis and he never seems to get cravings for chocolate things or bags of chips which is crazy as I dream about those things LOL And when I'm having the toughest day wanting to eat every thing in SIGHT he's there to listen, to encourage, to kiss, to hug and hold. He's a total god send in my world, for real. Not only is he the greatest boyfriend, he's just so .... wonderful in every way :) Good luck to both you AND M ... I'm sure you'll both succeed. Like you said some times SOMETHING just clicks and you go right for it. I'll be here on the other side getting fabulous with ya's ;)
  • nosidda
    nosidda Posts: 14 Member
    My wife and I are doing this program together too. I really like that I am learning how to manage my eating not eliminating certain types of food. There are so many reports that you can monitor your progress it doesn't always have to be the weigh in. Good luck to you and yours.
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