
Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys,

I'm 19 years old and I just joined and am loving this website so much! It is my motivation for a warm Aussie summer to get me looking damn good in a bikini this year. I joined because although i'm already in the right BMI range i need to tone up a bit and become more fit :)

im hoping this website will keep me on track with what i eat (i LOVE my chocolate and ice cream and anything with carbs!!) I'm just hoping i don't become slack with my routine! I went for a walk for an hour today and realised just how unfit i was hahaha. I got home and almost died! I'm thinking of joining a gym too so hopefully that works out :D

Anyway good luck on weight lossand fitness goals everyone!!!!!!!!!!


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