Weighing technique :)



  • DocMarr
    DocMarr Posts: 132 Member
    When I was losing, I weighed once every couple of weeks when I was at the gym. Didn't even own a set of scales. I didn't want to obsess about my weight.

    However, I hit target last October and bought the Fitbit Aria digital scales at Christmas. Since then I have weighed myself first thing in the morning, after going to the loo and before eating anything. No clothes, on a hard floor. It automatically records my weight through wifi.

    Now that I have collected over 6 months of data, I like looking at the trends over time and understanding what it is that affects my weight. For example I know that after a curry I shall have a 'curry spike' the next day as my weight always shoots up by a couple of pounds, however, the following day it invariably drops by the same amount, so I don't panic about it. I have managed to maintain my weight to within a 2-3lb range for the past 9 months through this 'micro-management' of my weight.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I feel like it. Perhaps once a week once every 2 weeks. I primarily weigh myself once a month and take measurements too. I seem to lose more inches than pounds.
  • Girldreamingofliving
    Girldreamingofliving Posts: 21 Member
    Once on weigh day and once the day before :P
    I keep it in the same place but take my camera phone with me, Then I take a few pictures and work out my average.
    Need to take pictures as it isn't a digital scale, then I usually take the average, grab my scales and match the lines to count my lost pounds haha.
    Sooo I'm a lil quirky :D
  • nikkip1982
    nikkip1982 Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh in daily. I have the fitbit aria scale, and it records my weight. I put everything on a calendar, and look at the numbers based on last week (if I gain a lb a day, I dont care- I know weight fluctuates).

    Edit- forgot to answer the question. I weigh in as soon as I wake up; go to the bathroom and strip down, before I eat or drink anything.
  • gillmitch
    gillmitch Posts: 64
    Every Saturday morning, first thing after morning ablutions. Naked. On the same square of flooring in the kitchen (my bathroom floor is really uneven). With the blinds firmly shut so I don't scare the neighbours! :laugh:

    I used to take 3 readings and go with the repeated one, but now I have new scales, all 3 readings would be the same so don't have to worry about it! :smile:

    This but I don't shut my blinds hahaha :laugh:
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I get on the scales, I look at the number, I sigh, I get off the scales.
  • deadwax
    deadwax Posts: 27
    We do this strange ritual where I pick up one of the cats and weigh myself, then put down the cat and weigh myself again. Then we do some math. Then we weigh me and the same cat again. Then we argue that I am giving it too much chicken. Then I pick up the other cat and we weigh it. Then we weigh me without the other cat. Then we do some math. Then we weigh me and the other cat again. Then we argue that the other cat is not eating enough and we should sit with it 14 hours a day feeding it the healthiest wet food we can find encouraging it to gain weight. Then we usually weigh both again to see if we were right. Then we get frustrated when the numbers are not the same as the first time. Then we go onto Amazon and order a new scale. Then 10 days later we drive to the US and pick up the scale and bring it back to Canada. Then we go through the entire process again. Then we call the vet to get the weights of the cats from 6 months ago. Then we argue because it's time to do that again.

    Then the next morning when I get up I weigh myself and post it on MFP.

    Good times. :)
  • elliebear2012
    elliebear2012 Posts: 12 Member
    I normally weigh once a week every Friday morning in the bathroom after my morning Pee lol! Naked! I normally weigh twice thou just to make sure the reading is accurate . But i have just been weighing everyday since Monday to actually see how my weight fluctuates throu the week. It's depressing thou when the scales go down one morning but then go back up the next day.
    Ellie x
    GMANDREWK Posts: 8 Member
    Great post no matter what section, making it fun keeps us sane. I jump on the scale whenever I feel like, its a way for me to check my progress. Always first thing in am, after elimination of any fluid or solid that can be eliminated. I always take the most frequent reading on three different areas of the bathroom floor. Make sure you are standing straight up and centered on the scale before looking down for the reading. Always removed any jewelry (watch or necklace that you always wear) and always naked.

    Other recommendations and only half kidding.
    Always weigh yourself in the am, the force of gravity pulling down on an upright body naturally weighs more at the end of the day.
    Never weigh yourself after a shower, dry skin may absorb some of the moisture adding to water weight.
    Never weigh yourself with wet hair.
    Always weigh yourself with an empty stomach.

    Continue losing and make it fun!