How many calories should I be having?

I am following 16/8 and am not going to proper calorie count all the time but I just want a idea of how much I should actually be eating?

I worked out from a online checker that
Your BMR is: 1418
Your TDEE is: 2199 calories

So would 1500 be ok to have per day and do I need to make sure I actually achieve this as yesterday I only managed 1354

Any advice would be great
Thanks Ellie x


  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Generally staying over 1200 is the guideline. Many of us have discovered that that number is too low and prevents us from losing weight, whereas adding a bit more facilitates weight loss. A big part of this journey is discovering how your individual body works. Its going to be different than how your pre-baby body works. Variables consider are how many calories per day, how many meals per day, how much exercise, what level of intensity of exercise, how much sleep you need, what kind of nutrition you need, and how to manage stress. The only way to figure it all out is by experimenting, for better or for worse.

    I guess this answer might be a bit more than what you bargained for, hope I don't come off as preachy!
  • elliebear2012
    elliebear2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for that, it's hard to work out what your body actually needs in terms of calories isn't it? I don't want to go too low calories wise but also don't want to go to high and put on weight. This losing weight business is hard work lol! X