Does anyone have tips for ditching the sugary drinks?



  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    I kicked the sugar drinks with Mio and water. I haven't looked back since haha.
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm not sure how bad they are for you -- but I used to get flavored sparkling water from the grocery store. I will mention that I love, have loved, will always love to drink water. The straight up clear liquid. Idk why. I just love water. Maybe it's cause I'm a cancer (water sign), but not really.

    ANYWAY -- Maybe try those out because they are tasty. Or the little water shots possibly too.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I would also avoid artifically sweeted drinks, as there has been research showing these actually stimulate the appetite to crave sugars in their own way, better to just give it up altogether imho, but it's up to you!
    That research is questionable at best.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I started drinking VItamin Water Zero. Not because I think they do anything miraculous, but they are naturally sweetened with Truvia (stevia). I drink a lot of plain water, but I like having the Vitamin Water on hand when I want something with a little flavor.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Go cold turkey. It's what I did. I got rid of the soda cans and replaced it with bottled water. Water is the only thing I drink now (except protein shakes).
  • Owligator
    Owligator Posts: 14 Member
    I have a problem with this too because as a server I'm constantly around a plethora of sodas. I hate the taste of soda water but I've tried drinking more flavored soda water, it has aspartame which could be bad but it helped temporarily to up my water intake. Like others have mentioned, the mios are great as well - my favorite being fruit punch.
  • Aliviuum
    Aliviuum Posts: 67
    Water + Propel + Lemon juice. I typically use 1/2 packet of Propel to a full bottle of water and squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon in it. Throw in a few cubes of ice and I'm good to go :)
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Force yourself to drink more water. I had the same problem, as soon as I turned to water i noticed I wanted to drink it more, esp on hot days. If I want more other than water I turned to water enhancers such as Mio and they have so many flavors.
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    Open the soda can and turn it upside down! Then Grab glass fill with water apply to lips and imbibe!

    Hope this helps!
  • aliceb39
    aliceb39 Posts: 84 Member
    I started drinking more water when I realized I drank lots of water at restaurants and figured out it's the ice water. It also helps me to set a time limit. I fill a 24 oz glass about 2/3 water and 1/3 ice and drink one between breakfast and lunch, another by/with dinner, and one before bed.
  • I had to just stop drinking it. I found other drinks I could enjoy, and after a while I stopped wanting it. I know, that sounds so much easier than it really was. It's been six months since I had my last soda. On July 4th, I decided I'd take a sip of a friends and almost gagged. It was the worst tasting concoction, ever. The best advice I can offer is to just do it. If doing the cold-turkey thing isn't going to work for you, you can always try to phase it out. Replace one glass a day with some water or iced tea (my new drink of choice). The next week replace two glasses a day. And so on, until you've completely eliminated soda.

    You can do it :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    don't buy them! First week might suck but just don't keep them in the house and it will get easier.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I travel quite a bit for work and one week I was having several sodas a day (more than I was normally having at the time) to the point where I basically overdid it. I got one at the end of the week, realized how bad it really was (and I was a HUGE dr. pepper drinker) and quit basically cold turkey. I've only had 2 since then: once when I was in the airport and needed a pick me up (actually didn't even help!) and once when I had sprite and rum together. I know not everyone can do it cold turkey but doing that one big binge basically convinced me to quit.
    And I have to say, I feel SOO much better now and drink a ton of water. Best decision I've made (besides joining MFP!)
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I only drink water now. I use to live on coke zero and diet dr pepper. So I just started by exchanging one coke with one water..each week. Then I eventually didn't drink any soft drinks and I haven't since.
  • Same here! I was drinking a coke a day, sometimes more than one can a day. It's addicting and I agree, it's really hard to substitute water for sweet drinks.

    Try replacing your cravings with natural sodas. I try to allow myself a day of the week where I can drink a soda without guilt, like a "cheat day" in your diet. For the other days of the week, try drinking water between meals until you get used to it. Try juices with meals. Make your own juices. Find a mixture of fruits that you like... homemade juices are delicious!
  • baileyaad
    baileyaad Posts: 19
    Add ice to your water. I also hate water but it goes down easier when it's ice cold.

    I am working to stop drinking soft drinks so I've been adding MIO drops to my water. It makes it taste a million times better.
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    This is one of those things that I think you just have to quit "cold turkey" style, I truly believe that sugar is an addiction and the more you become accustomed to eating sweet things the more you crave sweet things!

    This is so true! I first stopped eating sweets, did that for a while, then decided to stop the artificial sweeteners next (yes even Stevia & Truvia, etc). And what a difference it has made; I stopped craving sweet things and other types of foods as well. It totally made eating healthy and making better food choices so much easier. I have learned to drink ice tea without sugar and to like it that way. I drink lots of water, (ice cold) my 1 cup of coffee coffee (yes coffee isn't good either, but I haven't yet been able to give up that 1 cup in the morning) without any kind of sweetener--just a drop of milk, and occasionally I drink a can of La Croix, which is like club soda only no sodium, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, just a little bit of flavoring.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I've never liked soft drink but I LOVE juice and needed to stop drinking so much of it. I found a natural cordial that has Stevia instead of sugar, and I drink it with soda water. I love bubbles more than I love sugary drinks.
  • haziexxx
    haziexxx Posts: 7
    Just think of it like this:
    Excessive soda intake can lead to....

    1. Diabetes
    2. Instant aging
    3. Causes cancer
    4. Majority of its ingredients are made of harsh chemicals and GMO products that causes sicknesses and early deaths.
    5. Coke can loosen rusty nuts and bolts and the acid in it is strong enough to clean the mold off of your car battery terminals (if it's strong enough to do that, just think of all the damage it can do to your body).
    6. It's bad for you considering the amount of sugar in just one can of soda.

    These are all proven from studies that have been done worldwide. Also, #5, my dad always uses coke to clean out rusty things and that crazy mold that occurred one time on my battery. So, just think of these things.

    If it doesn't work for you. Do this:
    1. Drink less soda each day.
    2. Instead of drinking soda, try healthier alternatives.
    3. Drink tea instead or flavored water or even fruit juice.
    4. Buy those soda makers and make your own soda at home with water and fruit juice--it'll carbonate it so it's just like drinking soda.
    5. Drink more water each day to clean out the toxins in your body.
  • I know it sounds like stupid advice, but just drink the water. You'll soon find that you'll NEED the water, over anything else. If you have the will power to ditch the soda, there's not magic trick except to just chose water. It becomes a good habit soon enough.

    I could not agree more with this post . The best way to kick the sugar cans is to force water down your throat and the water drinking will become habitual in no time. Diet drinks are dangerous because they keep you dependent on 'sweetness' every time you need a drink and this makes it easier to fall back into the sugary drink trap. I use 5 calorie sugar free sweetener packs in 16 ounces of water with one, or two of my meals max.

    Diet soda and sweetened drinks should be used in moederation IMO. That made it easier for me to lose those coke and mountain dew cravings. Now I don't touch the stuff, but this is just my opinion.

    My basic rules are if I'm eating a meal I will treat myself to a sugar free, low cal, sweetned drink. If I'm thirsty I drink water ONLY