Need another reason to give up soda????



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Trying to be funny, or trying to be offensive. Whatever. I firmly believe in using aborted fetuses and stem cells in medical research...why not use discarded parts to further medical knowledge? .

    or how about using stem cells to clone a Shakey's Pizza?

  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    The junk phood industry- turning us all into cannibals without our knowledge...:explode:
  • Softrbreeze
    Softrbreeze Posts: 156 Member
    This is all hypothetical given Snopes has shown report to be false anyway.

    However I have no issue with cadaver cells or aborted foetal cells being used for medical research purposes.(issues with abortion itself are a separate issue)

    Comparisons to cannibalism are just stupid.

    Putting aside the fact that the story is fake - consuming a human flavored Pepsi (as people above stated they would, I'm praying in jest), whether fetuses or not, is pretty clearly cannibalism.

    actually just consuming human cells is not considered cannibalism. think about kissing. you actually consume some cells during that process and it doesnt make you a cannibal. :)

    Kissing and eating/drinking something are clearly two different animals.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Depends who you kiss...
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Some people will believe anything....

    ^^^ This.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    I remember my grandpa telling me that when he was a kid or when my aunts/uncles/mom were kids a soda was a treat every once in a blue moon, they drank milk, water, and iced tea (not nearly as sweet as these processed ones are nowadays)

    I follow/will follow the same philosophy when I have kids. My stomach curls thinking about how parents let kids drink soda to their hearts content.
  • Hayley_2012
    Hayley_2012 Posts: 11 Member
    Reading this whilst drinking my delicious cold pepsi max......should really be more worried about the crap that goes into it, not the fact theyve done research using otherwise wasted cell lines....who cares?
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    I remember my grandpa telling me that when he was a kid or when my aunts/uncles/mom were kids a soda was a treat every once in a blue moon, they drank milk, water, and iced tea (not nearly as sweet as these processed ones are nowadays)

    I follow/will follow the same philosophy when I have kids. My stomach curls thinking about how parents let kids drink soda to their hearts content.
    This is what my grandparents used to say about eating out, in their case this was going out for a hamburger...
    I know what you mean! I don't let my kids have soda except for rarely (a party, and even then try to stick to non-caffeinated), and my daughter's friend was over and practically snarled at me when I offered her water, milk, or even juice...I wound up giving her a soda, she' s not my kid! My daughter freaked out but she got over it! She's 10, and frankly she never got too excited over soda until she started seeing her friends drink it.