Is anyone maintaining their weight now?

How are you finding it?

I usually try to eat at least 90% healthy during the week and leave the weekends to be my days off

How is everyone else maintaining? different way? similar way?

Let me know :)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    2 years and counting. I still eat within budget, portion control and weighing once a week. It's going to be a lifetime commitment and I intend to stick with it. It's easier to make good choices with time but it's also easy to start slipping and have it snowball.

    I don't eat "clean" or necessarily make healthy food choices but still stick to calories in/calories out for maintenance.
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    I've been doing maintenance for a few months. Pretty much eat the same boring stuff, but come special events I have no problem eating anything I want... just don't over do.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    yep maintaining here. so far so good.
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    Maintaining. Not doing anything special. I just continue to log and be mindful of what I eat. My runnign addiction takes care of the rest.
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    "Men Who Maintain" is a group I made.

    It is for men who have lost 50 lbs and kept it off for more than 6 months.

    (However, though I'm listed as a member I refound the eighty pounds I had lost)

    This post, is my first, after the whole bad yo-yo.
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    I have been at my goal weight for about 6 months,and it took 16 months to lose my weight,in that time I have changed the way I eat,portion size,quality of food ,so now it just comes naturally to eat properly ,I average 2000 calories a day ,on weight lifting days eat more,working on gaining muscle and losing body fat,this is a life time commitment for me and I am enjoying it,this is the best I have felt in my whole life I will be here till the end...I am grateful for this site as without it I would still be a fat a*s and out of breath to try and tie my shoes..
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm in maintenance. I don't count/track anything but do 8:16IF and that keeps me in my maintenance range. I'm currently transitioning to a whole foods, plant based diet for the health benefits and right now I'm reading everything I can get my hands on about this way of eating :) Currently reading The Starch Solution, by John McDougall and it's pretty good.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I was on maintenance for a couple of months and didn't track my food. I found myself under eating out of fear of over eating. I am back to tracking in order to make sure I am getting in plenty of protein and adequate calories.
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Been maintaining for about 4 months now and been doing good. I am also doing about the same thing you are, staying within calories for most days during the week and having a couple of days of eating what I want;)
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    I have been on maintenance for a couple of months now, and found the link interesting. I don't know how so many can maintain on 2500 calories or so. MFP upped me to 1410 from 1200 while I lost the weight. I am 5'2" and currently 117 pounds. I eat some of my exercise calories, and pretty much never go over, but my diet was usually healthy...minimal sugars, no red meat, (poultry and fish/seafood OK) whole grains, etc. I know everyone's metabolism is different, but if I ate 2000 calories, I would gain like crazy!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    How are you finding it?

    I usually try to eat at least 90% healthy during the week and leave the weekends to be my days off

    How is everyone else maintaining? different way? similar way?

    Let me know :)

    About the same. I've been tracking during the week at a deficit, then eating at a surplus on weekends. It's evening out and I've been in the same 5-pound "goal weight" range since September. My TDEE is around 2500-2600 a day on average.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Maintaining is all I seem to be able to do! i have been trying to lose for several months, but NOTHING! and nothing I do works!
  • Pumpitusa
    Pumpitusa Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for your honest comment it helps to no there is someone that didn't fall into the yoyo statistic. I know people that have lost weight and boasted and bragged how great they feel, then less than a year later put it all back n and then some. I want to get there and not look back. Thats my goal
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I have been maintain recently. However, while trying to maintain I have been loosing weight slowly. I do not log every exercise I do and some times I eat a few hundred under the amount I should eat to maintain.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    I have been maintaining for about half a year now. I eat a bit more but still eat lower than my average calorie goal per week. Now I am increase my workout activity and not sure should I eat more calories based from what I have burned nowaday or not. =P
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Maintaining a bit, but I'd really like to drop the last 15. I've been eating (ok, drinking) a bit more, and exercising a bit less, with all the social activities of the summer.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I have been maintaining for about 4 months now and I pretty much am doing the same things that you are. The only thing different from when I was losing is that I have bumped up my calories a little due to adding in a lot of weight training....but mostly the same as before.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Unfortunately i have been maintaining for about 6 months. Lost a bunch, put back 20 and stayed there. Haven't been focused and was yo-yoing for a while. Hoping to get 25 or so more off, and then PROPERLY maintaining, by paying attention this time!
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    Maintaining for about 55 days now! I've lost 2lbs, planning to lose 2 more though. Trying out IF 14:10 sometimes 16:8 just to keep me grounded since I've had a few cheat days though with sweets and carbs. Slowly increasing my calories!