OMG....I gained - how can that be???

I don't understand, it's been one week, I was actually excited to step on the scale this morning knowing there would be some kind of loss....well NOT!!!! I've gained a pound. I had a really good week, did not binge one time (that's saying alot for me), journaled all my food, every bite, stayed within my calorie range. I have not actually exercised, but I have defintely been moving more each day to keep myself busy. I also have only had one diet soda all week, I'm drinking more water and unsweetened ice tea (that's saying alot for me too) this is so discouraging :sad:

Any ideas, suggestions???


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. It could literally be anything! Stress, hormones, water retention, etc!! Whatever you do, don't tell yourself it was a waste & binge (i've done this many times). Just step off that scale & don't step back on for another week. Do what you've been doing but maybe incorporate slightly more exercise this week & see if that makes a difference. I'm sure you've lost weight, however, any of these factors can tell you otherwise (the ones mentioned above). Also, make sure you're weighing at the same time everyday. The best time to weigh in is first thing in the morning before you eat or drink, it'll be more accurate.
    Don't let this week deter you from what your goal is. Keep moving forward & you'll see a result of it next week.
  • countrymama08
    I would ask if you are measuring. I have been struggling lately and I think I am fooling myself. Portions are hard to "eyeball." I would suggest making sure you are measuring to be sure you get the right amounts.

    Hang in there. It is not easy to make these changes.
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    Do not get discouraged!! Maybe you're not eating enough...Is your diary public? You can get a lot of help from people on here if it is. The body is a crazy thing and sometimes doesn't make sense, but don't worry! Trust me, you will lose weight if you keep at it!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I would suggest keeping track of your sodium, it can really make a difference.
    Also, what has really worked for me is starting the day with a good, high fiber breakfast. I try to get at least 30% of my daily calories at breakfast as this keeps me energized for my workout and also feeling full until my next meal.

    Good luck, try not to get discouraged, next week will be better, you'll see!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    AM I reading your post correctly that you have been on MFP for only one week?

    Well, if thats true then dang! give it some time!

    If not, then I have no ideas for you. But I'm sending you good vibes. Oh I do have some advice for ya: Drink LOTS of water.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Did you measure??

    For me, it takes 2-4 weeks to see any results, so hang in there and do not give up! You may want to change things up if nothing has is happening in a month. Until then, you're doing everything right so, good luck!
  • stringcheeze
    Completely agree with the folks that said watch your sodium intake, drink water (lots of water), and to also double check your measuring. If you're new to the measuring thing and just eyeballing it without actually bringing out the measuring spoons and cups for at least the first couple of times, you're doing yourself a disservice. Sometimes you get it right, but other times you'll be shocked how much you're off.

    Give it a chance. Your body could just need a bit of time to get used to the new level of caloric intake without thinking "OMG, she's killing me -- hoard everything!"
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    this happened to me when i first started, i think you have to give your body time to get used to the change and then it starts to trust you and lets go of the weight.

    I was getting frustrated but i took all my measurements and they were going down so i suggest you do that. The following week my weight loss was 4lbs and it finally caught up with what my tape measure was showing so please do not get disheartened just keep going as you are and your body will soon catch up :)
  • fmax46
    Drink lots of water, if it's sodium then this will help flush it out. I've found in the past when I thought I was doing well, and the scale showed otherwise, that it was often sodium. This was before I found this site and could track the sodium.
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    Underneath your apparent gain I will lay a very large bet you have lost weight. You're just carrying a bit of extra water for whatever reason, but the serious stuff - the solid stuff that takes real effort to lose, you will have lost that. Scales are only the vaguest measure of what's going on in your body, I won't generally get on them more frequently than once a month for that reason,but if you're doing the right thing, and you know you are, you WILL lose. So just don't give up.. you are on your way DOWN :wink:
  • PJRiner
    My doctor told me that even as a "thin man" his weight can differ daily up to 5 lbs with no real reason. So yes, vent your frustration (I do) but move on and it will adjust itself. Don't get discouraged. At least you are on the right path and you are not hurting yourself. Check to see but even if the scale doesn't show it, your measurements may, weird but true :)

    Oh yes and I agree with the others, make certain that you are eating enough or your body will store fat...another weird fact...boy no one said this was going to be easy but how much better do you feel :)
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    I read your post because i gained 1 pound and just went wow i am under everyday and excercising every day. :) So i went and looked at my sodiom for yesterday after reading what people said and i was over by 1820 on my sodiom. i actually lol'd when i say it that makes sense.
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    Please don't get discouraged. It could be a lot of different thing. Your weight can vary day to day, that's why I weigh myself everyday so that I don't get discouraged on the heavy days...I just look at the weekly average and the trend over time (but I know a lot of people completely disagree with weighing daily). Don't let it get you down, just keep working at it and you will see results! Good luck!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Just a quick glance for the last week in your food diary noticed eating out and lots of processed foods. That can really stall out losing weight. Eating out no matter how innocent the food looks, it's typically ALL loaded with sodium.

    As someone shared, keeping track of sodium in your diary might be really eyeopening. It's very helpful to see just how much eating out and canned/processed foods we take in by monitoring the sodium as well.

    Drink your water this week and hopefully it will flush out that excess sodium and here's to next week before a good one:flowerforyou:

    Excercise can really help out when something gets wonky in our food for the day, it keeps our blood sugars more balanced and boosts our metabolism. Definitely worth a shot... working out is alot of fun and such a helpful tool in so many ways.
  • KerryB1977
    KerryB1977 Posts: 86 Member
    totally agree with MissesG really could be explained from any of these and also is it TOM? continue on with what your doing-eat right,exercise,up your water a bit, and watch the sodium intake. Next weigh in you will see a difference I'm sure. :bigsmile: