Decide. Commit. Succeed!

Good morning everyone! I just wanted to say that I ADORE this site! It's really helped me to remain focused. I have lost almost 20 pounds so far, and I'm still going! I decided that I wanted to be healthy. I've committed to working hard at it, and I'm succeding! I'm looking for people who are motivated to add to my friend's list. It's nice to have people in your circle who have the same mind set as you. I'm seriously motivated, and if you are too, then add me as a friend. :) Good luck everyone! Let's go to work!


  • tiffanypacino
    tiffanypacino Posts: 57 Member
    I hit 41 consecutive days of logging my food and exercise. To me, it becomes almost like second nature or a habit. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you!! And 41 consecutive days??!! Good job!! I have made it to 30. And you're right, it does become like second nature. When I don't log my eating habits everyday, I feel bad. I try to make sure I log everything throughout the day so that i'm not rushing to do it before midnight. It becomes habit. I love this!
  • mandles82
    mandles82 Posts: 31
    I have zero willpower! I am hoping that reading about everyone's success will help to keep me motivated and maybe help with my lack of willpower :)
  • debby135
    debby135 Posts: 1
    I just joined today and plan to start tracking. Kept hearing everyone rave about this. I have about 45 pounds to lose. Tired of avoiding looking at myself in the mirror. I had some health issues that I seem to have taken care of and now I want to look and feel good again. Not interested in being "skinny", but I am going to 50 next year and I want to be fab also. :smile:
  • Conjo163
    Conjo163 Posts: 2 Member
    Good for You, Hope you have lots of success.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Great! Amen to your topic. I was committed to loggin everything for the first month or two them I stopped and noticed I haven't lost much since even though I know I'm not eating horribly and I'm still working out so I really do need to log. My Dr recommended doing that as he does it himself! We can do it!
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    @mandles You have to just try!! Once you start, give it about 2 weeks, then stand on the scale and see the small progress. I promise you you'll want to keep going!! You are going to WANT to continue to see the numbers go down, and you will stop at NOTHING to make it happen, Believe me. I was where you are. I was so discouraged, but at the same time, I didn't want to be the person that I had become any longer. I'm here to help in any way I can!! Good luck doll.
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    @Debby good for you!!! I'm happy that you've committed to change. You'll love yourself sooo much more. Not just because you'll look btter, but because you'll feel better!! I'm certainly not trying to be skinny either. I've always been a thick girl. lol. But I want to feel good about what I see in the mirror, and I also want to be healthy in the long run. This is going to be a lifestyle change. I'm not going back! :)
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    @Conjo THANK YOU!!!! You too!!!! :)
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    @ASLJH ABSOLUTELY!!!! We CAN do it!!! It never gets easier. You just get stronger! :)
    BACKTOCHRISSY Posts: 73 Member
    Congrats on your loss!!! I am semi new I am in my second week. I lost 1 pound but I feel like my inches were more because my clothes are fitting a lot better.

    I'll sure add you as well!!!
  • MrsCampbell_21
    MrsCampbell_21 Posts: 17 Member
    @backtochrissy GOOD FOR YOU!!! I'm happy for you! I saw the same thing at first. The scale wasn't really going down, but the inches were coming off like crazy! I've lost 4 inches from my waist so far. I hope to see more of your progress soon! :) keep going doll :) And if you get discouraged, remember why you started in the first place. Good luck hun :)