Fruit in the bowl... chocolate on my mind.

So how to fight the temptation when I'm sick of the healthy stuff and long to sink my teeth into heavenly junk?

(I am one of those that gets royally sick of the same foods over and over, but I can only afford certain fruits/healthy options right now...)


  • otleymorgan
    otleymorgan Posts: 3 Member
    If I reallllly want it, I'll have it but try to weigh it out and calorie count it.
    If I tell myself no I end up eating 10 times the amount of naughty stuff. I just need to get that naughtyness out of my mind!
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I know the feeling, I normally keep a bar of dark chocolate at work if I have a craving for chocolate.

    I also researched and found healthy alternatives to junk, like cale chips instead of potato and banana ice cream instead of the standard ice cream.

    you can do it, soon you will find that fruits are sweater then candy.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    If I really want chocolate, I will never be satisfied until I have chocolate. I just have about an ounce of really, really good chocolate and am satisfied. There should be NO off limits banned food or you will want it more. There are foods however that I don't keep in the house and easily accessible. If I want a bowl of ice cream I have to go out to get it. If I'm too lazy to do that I really don't want it as much as I thought I did.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Don't fight it, learn to control it.

    Want some chocolate ice cream? Here's my trick: Get a tablespoon. Get enough on the spoon for about 3-4 bites (keep in mind you have to log these calories, so don't get too much). Close container. Put container back in freezer. Take spoon with ice cream (NO BOWL!!!) to the living room. Sit down. Eat ice cream as slowly as you possibly can. Keep spoon in living room until time for bed (or whatever, just STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!). Log your calories.

    Ta-da! You got your chocolate, the craving is usually psychological, and 3-4 bites is enough to turn that craving off.

    Ghirardelli makes delicious chocolate, and you can buy them in pre-packaged single squares. Eat it the same was as the ice cream, but only take one or two squares (whatever your calorie limit can handle).

    The idea is to learn how to incorporate your favorites into your new diet (and by "diet" I mean "eating habits") so that these changes stick. You don't want to reach your goal and then revert back to your old diet.

    EDIT - Here is the link to see the study about smaller snack sizes satisfying the craving:
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    Sometimes I mix in cocoa powder (baking cocoa, so no sweetener) with my yogurt. Adds very few calories and YUMMMMM.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Oooohhhh. I love Chobani Pineapple yogurt... I'm wondering if that will make it taste like chocolate covered pineapple???
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Tessyloowhoo Posts: 504
    Put dark chocolate in the freezer...
    1. It keeps it out of site!
    2. it takes longer to eat when you do want it.
    3. Cold chocolate is just so delscious!

    I also freeze chocolate granola bars or tbsps of peanut butter..
  • NicoleMGetsFit
    NicoleMGetsFit Posts: 66 Member
    Melt a small amount of dark chocolate and dip the fruit into it.
    It will feel like you're eating more chocolate than you are, it tastes great and you still have a healthy fruity treat!