mental health problems/illness and diet and exercise



  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Im glad this thread came up... I have PTSD and depression. I have my moments where I feel fine, and the rest of the time I feel like the world is moving on without me, and I cant pull myself off my couch to save my life. This really makes getting, and keeping motivated to do anything really difficult.

    Ive been on Zoloft and in therapy since Jan, and though I always say I dont feel any different, that Im even back on here and trying to get back in shape and have been going for my walks and stuff, from another thread I realized that the meds and therapy must be sneaking up on me in some way, because a year ago, I wasnt even checking my mailbox, and had no appetite to eat, moreless going for half hour walks and eating healthier.

    I still have my moments...I didnt go for my walk for a week, and each day that went by, I was feelign worse about not doing it, yet still wasnt doing it. My Slim in 6 arrived a week ago, and I still havnt done it. Its not laziness, than that I just....its hard to explain. Its hard to want to do something, and not be able to bring yourself to do it.

    anyway, sometimes its easy to feel totally alone, so it was encouraging to read through this thread and see others who are managing.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I, sadly, have a long history of mental health issues, of which I am still ashamed to this day. So often I find myself walking along and saying in despair, 'Why can't I just be normal, like everyone else?' Obviously one could then say there is no definition of normal. I was abused when I was 8 and 11, and that seemed to basically totally change and damage my personality. A once outgoing, talkative, inquisitive kid with a lot of potential due to a major creative streak and a high IQ, withdrew, found herself unable to express love and emotions properly, and developed depression and anorexia at the age of 13. It is also now suspected that I have undiagnosed Asperger's, which probably did not help and the fact I struggled socially, and often said the wrong things, did result in a lot of bullying. I am also thought to be bipolar, and have been diagnosed with OCD and social anxiety.

    I have been in hospitals, starting from age 13 when I took my first overdose.I have badly scarred arms from lashing out at myself when others got angry at me or when I filled with self blame for the abuse. People still stare at them when I go out, which angers me.
    I was on all kinds of medications, including anti psychotics, which left me in this half living, half dead state. I refuse to take anything now even though I struggle a lot. Exercise helps, if it becomes my focus, but I can equally slip into phases of binge eating and purging to try and deal with the depression and sense of being 'flawed' and 'damaged' and a failure. I have holes in my walls from struggling to deal with the mood swings that have increased since I hit my mid 30s, hormonal I am presuming. And I still get days where I have to battle so hard to get out of bed, and find a reason to try anymore. But I am still here, still fighting.

    There is still such stigma attached to mental illness, and that makes it difficult. People conveniently forget that some of the most famous creative people suffered from mental illness, especially bipolar. Karen Carpenter had anorexia, and look how much she left to the world with her beautiful voice. If anyone judges me, I just judge them right back, because I might have a mental health issue, but at least I have a soul.
  • saoirse32
    saoirse32 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all,

    How are you all getting on? I was back at the doctors on Friday past and got myself all worked up prior to the appointment so much so that I was a nervous wreck going into the appointment. Been signed off for another 3 weeks and a further prescription of fluoxetine.

    Had a major panic / anxeity attack on saturday night / sunday morning and it was the worst one to date, ended up exhausted and good for nothing until really yesterday (spent sunday and monday in bed). However, felt better yesterday and managed to get out to go shopping.

    My OH is off today so we went to Loch Lomond with the dog for a walk and paddle in the Loch. The sun and warmth made me feel much better and glad to be out and about. The OH is also off again at the weekend which for him is a luxury so he is planning on taking me to MIllport (isle of cumbrae for the the day to enjoy the mini heatwave we have at the moment). For those of you not Scotland or indeed UK based here is a wee link to Millport and
  • XLombardX
    XLombardX Posts: 23 Member
    I doubled my body weight while on Zyprexa. I couldn't think about anything except eating, couldn't study. As well as making me crave food all the time it exhausted me, and I slept up to 18 hours a day. I also "sleep ate", like sleep walking only for food. I'd wake in the morning with a pain in my stomach and no food left in the kitchen. My flatmates had to hide their food in their rooms at night, I was so ashamed.

    That's the most dramatic example for me, but I've been on lots of drugs for depression that made me tired and sluggish. Some caused sugar and salt cravings.

    Wellbutrin made me too nauseous to eat very much for about a month (maybe three apples and 6 cups of tea per day), and after that I ate normally. I didn't find it helpful in terms of weight loss, but that wasn't on my agenda at the time. It definitely put me back in control of food though.

    My advice for people with depression and anxiety:
    Do not stop any medication without a doctor's support.
    Take vitamin D, vitamin B12 and 5g of Omega 3 fatty acids per day.
    When you are depressed, action precedes motivation - in other words, you'll never WANT to go on that walk, so go out and do it, you'll be glad you did.
    Anxiety is often the fear of the worst happening, exposure to the anxiety-provoking stimuli can lessen that anxiety. I was afraid to leave the house for a long time too.
    Avoid sugar, as the sugar high can cause anxious feelings and the low can cause depressive feelings. I was so much more chilled when I quit sugar (back on it now post-depression, but watching my intake).
    Meditate. Read "The Mindful Way Through Depression", a literal lifesaver.

    Healthy eating makes me feel so good. I had to eat healthily before I was able to exercise as crappy food just exacerbated the exhaustion. After 8 years on many, many antidepressant drugs, I've been off them now for two years and I feel great.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I have bipolar and put on a stack of weight (20 kg) while on lithium. I'm now on abilify and tofranil and I'm slowly losing the weight that I put on. I have found that exercising daily has helped me cut down my antidepressant dose. I use an exercise bike for 30 min a day.
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    im here if anyones want to talk about mental disorders or addiction....and FOOD hard when you are on these meds...I take all my meds at night and BAM...binge eat....never ever had to watch what I ate I was actually to tiny...I like being heavier but not this heavy....I actually have never stayed on a good eating plan more than a week in my life but when I did 11 lbs time to buck up...I have been through so much in my life and kicking this bad habit off night eating is very hard and tonight is night 1.....ill keep you guys posted and plz friend me....