Cardio or Weights first?



  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I have read more info and been told more that weights first, then cardio. Until... I moved and this new gym, for some reason the fitness instructors (not the personal trainers) like to spread this info that you should do cardio first and then weights. My eyeballs rolled when I first heard it, kind of annoying, but whatever, I ignore now. My trainer now says weights then cardio, or a circuit. Really depends on the goal.
  • hkall23
    hkall23 Posts: 10
    Hey Hakinion,

    I’ve worked out both ways in the past and until recently I always preferred weights first, but a little while back a Physical Therapist I met showed me a really cool way to intermingle both and I REALLY enjoy it much more.

    1. 10 minutes cardio
    2. do your core work
    3. 10 minutes cardio
    4. do whatever weight training you have planned for the day
    5. 10 minutes of cardio or 20 if you prefer, depending on how you feel that day

    Don’t lift too heavy, always keep good form and only take 30 second breaks between sets to keep your heart rate up during the workout (If you’re not used to it, take slightly longer breaks at first and you’ll notice soon that your breaks will naturally get shorter as you continue to train that way. 20-30 second breaks between sets is your goal, don’t feel you have to start out like that right away, just do your best and you’ll become much faster in a few weeks).

    Also, if you workout in a gym, you can split your cardio between the bike, treadmill and elliptical. Do 10 minutes each so you don’t get bored with them if you like. I always liked the bike first to warm up. Then I usually run on the treadmill in the middle and I use the elliptical to finish up because I enjoy the elliptical and most days I won’t stop at 10 minutes. I usually finish up with 20 or 30 minutes depending on my energy level and my schedule that day. You should give it a try for a couple weeks even if it’s just to switch things up briefly before going back to your routine. It’s a blast

    Hey! Don’t forget to hydrate and do your 5-10 minute cool down. Good luck :-)