

  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    I started doing Jillian Michals 6week6pack. I am halfway done and already the lower abs are smaller. This is not just an ab video she still keeps up the cardio. I love the workout. You may want to check it out.

    I've been doing that one too.. not consistently though! But one or two times a week, and I have noticed a bit of a difference as well!
  • SPRINTING! and don't eat sugar.
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks so much guys, I will try to follow all of your advice. Everyone's so supportive of me thanks :)
  • kegbailey
    kegbailey Posts: 15
    My hairdresser is also a fitness trainer/marathon runner/boxer. Needless to say, she's a fitness guru! She told me to battle the belly fat I need to drink one glass of water every morning with one fresh lemon worth of juice. She says to make sure its a fresh lemon, not bottled lemon juice from the store. And she says you can drink it cold or warm - and with 1 Steevia (NOT Splenda, or other fake sweeteners).

    I usually hate lemon in my water, but the higher concentration of an entire lemon actually tastes reallly yummy. I hate Steevia so I don't use any sweetener. I just started this but so far so good. I'm not sure why it works but celebrity trainer Jackie Warner also promotes the use of lemon for weight loss so I think there is some science behind it. I'm just too lazy to look up what it is. :)

    Just looked this up as I was curious how this works. Here's the site I looked at.

  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Reverse crunches. They suck, but they work!

    reverse crunches aren't going to get rid of her belly fat.

    I agree. All they will do is develop muscle tone in the abdomen and maybe, as you lose more fat, you will see muscle definition a little earlier because they abdominal muscles will be more developed.

    Spot reduction does not work.
  • marj0
    marj0 Posts: 2
    i got that problem too, my belly looks normal, a bit chubby maybe, but my lower belly is so huge :0
    but i guess that's just the construction of my body :c
  • BonBon1985
    BonBon1985 Posts: 5 Member
    I need help losing my stomach! What are planks?
  • andres4317
    andres4317 Posts: 26 Member
    I have reached my goal weight and have the same belly fat as well. I already know about spot reduction not working, so I am looking to maintain my current waist of 34", and lose more fat throughout my body: dbl chin, handles, man-boobs etc., etc..

    I am 5 weeks into a three a week running regimen and can already see the difference in leg tone and definition. I have been considering what types of strength training to start on non-run days. I have read some great advice from posters above and ask a few of you to share your strength training regimen.

  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I need help losing my stomach! What are planks?

  • sunshinerawr
    sunshinerawr Posts: 12 Member
    I used the wrap thing and it has reduced my stomach. Depends if u want to spend the money on it
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I store fat in my lower abdomen. At my thinnest it was all gone. And my chest was too. Also, my chest was very saggy. I'll keep my belly fat thank you very much.
  • When I lose weight, a lot seems to come from my shoulders and arms, around my ribs and waist, and from my legs. But it all seems to stay on my hips and lower abdomen! It must just be my genetic makeup, because I do plenty of cardio and ab exercises, my stomach does eventually tone, but it takes ALOT of effort!
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    lower belly fat is the very last to go..... to get rid of it you have to do work in the kitchen........
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Mini mini tummy tuck ?
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