Hip Pain - taking anti inflammatorys



  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    Ive been doing the elliptical and recumbrandt bike. I was running pretty good and then all of a sudden it starts to hurt. I guess running is not what I need to do right now. It is so setting me back. UGH

    Thanks for all the help. Very appreciated
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Based on where you are pointing it could be trochanteric bursitis. I had this a couple of months ago & got to the stage I coukd barelywalk. I went to the physio twice & it took around three weeks of doing the stretches he gave me to be able to walk without pain. When I started to run again I used C25k to build me up slowly & protect my hip. It sounds like you need a total break from impact exercises at least & might be worth seeing a physio.
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you!!!! I have been using the foam roller. I also have a ball I can use if I want to get deep into the muscle. Gonna listen to everybody and take some time off from running. This is gonna kill me. Are you able to run pain free babybl00310? That's how it was for me....could barely walk. I have recovered a lil faster from my run yesterday but still hurts.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    I get pain from time to time lower and closer to the buttock area. You can take magnesium ( usually combined with potassium), but I prefer magnesium mineral oil that I rub into the area. Other things that tame inflammation is restricting sugar, hydrating with filtered water, taking omega oils, taking a full spectrum digestive enzyme (enteric coated). Sounds nonsensical, but there are studies.

    Some new things I am trying to deal with chronic rheumatoid arthritis tumeric (the spice straight or in gel caps), phenolic compound extracts (found in chocolate, red wine, and many other foods), chlorogenic acid also has an afffect on inflammation--although it is very much in the news for wt loss in the form of green coffee beans.

    Here are some links to studies.