Mad at myself today..emotional eating

So today I blew it. I was mad at someone and I totally blew my food intake. It's 2.10 pm and I have already exceeded my calorie, fat and protein intake. I felt better this morning, thought about exercising more ( I see personal trainer and love it) and thought about life in general, yada, yada and then I ordered 1/2 a broasted chicken and ate it. I know better than to stop exercising and being more vigilant but I am still so pissed @ myself. What do I eat the rest of the day?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Eat normally, but lighter. Take it in stride. You had one bad day, tomorrow will be better, but if you don't eat now, you may set yourself up for a binge cycle (I know that happens to me). So, deal with it, move on, and please know that sh!tty days happen. No one is perfect.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Everyone has those days, trust me. Just don't beat yourself up about it, and get back on track tomorrow. :)
  • Just get back on the wagon, continue with your regular programming for the day.

    There is no need to be mad. There are a lot worse things you could have eaten than chicken! It will not help you to dwell and feel bad about it. Perhaps this can strengthen your resolve to make wise food choices when you are upset, and plan for the future - next time you are angry with someone and you want to eat a half a broasted chicken, what other things can you do instead?
  • I would even say just get back on track today, starting from your next meal, get back to your eating plan. Today is not a total waste. Today had a mishap. Tomorrow it will be history. If you really want to make up for it or just want to minimise the damage it could do, try sticking to veggies and fruits for the rest of the day. You can really eat all the veggies you want.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    One day doesn't kill us... doing the same thing day-after-day kills us. Call BS on yourself, shrug your shoulders, and get back to it starting with the next meal.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think you need to address why being upset with someone makes you treat yourself badly.

    With regards to your caloric intake for today, it's just one day. Do better tomorrow.
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    Try some lemon water. It helps. My mom sent me an email about it.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I think you need to address why being upset with someone makes you treat yourself badly.

    With regards to your caloric intake for today, it's just one day. Do better tomorrow.

    I agree with this. If you don't figure out why your emotions drive you to eat, you'll continue to repeat the behavior. If you can't forgive yourself and move on, you'll continue to repeat the behavior.

    It helps me to think of it in terms of power or authority - I have power / authority over food, it does not have power / authority over me. The same is true when I'm upset with someone. When I allow that to affect my behavior, I just gave them more power than I have over my own decisions. That's not ok with me, so I take that power back by making good decisions in spite of how I feel about them at the moment.
  • BobbieInCA
    BobbieInCA Posts: 102 Member
    Did you get back at that person by spiting yourself? It only made you feel worse.
  • CapeCodSheila
    CapeCodSheila Posts: 40 Member
    It's ok to have a bad day once in awhile. I could tell you volumes about my Cheeze-it disasters. I am an emotional eater too and then I hate myself. But the old you would just say The Heck With It and go back to bad habits. But now you are new and improved and will learn from the bumps in the road. You're human,you make mistakes and only you can decide where you go from here. As some others have said-remember why you are on this website, and ask yourself if you really want some idiot to undo all your good intentions. As I read the other day-"in the book of your life, do you want someone else holding the pen"???? You can do this. We're all here to help. Friend me if you want
  • kokum50
    kokum50 Posts: 4
    it's ok, don't beat yourself up, we all have those days, take a long brisk walk and burn off some of those extra calories and start fresh tomorrow-I'm pretty new to this site but have found pal to be great for keeping me in check and finding support here to keep going, your not alone :)
  • elvahernandez925
    elvahernandez925 Posts: 4 Member
    That's exactly what I did and I feel better now. I needed to look at how his actions affected me and what I want in my life. I feel better now..thank you.