did your goal weight change?



  • My Goal change after read this amazing ebook: http://8020fatloss.org/food
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    I was 70 kilos and wanted to lose 10. At 58.5 I found myself way to scrawny, so I adjusted it to 61-62. Have been this since half a year and quite happy with it.
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    I met my Goal Weight.
    I went from Size 14 pants to size 12 and now in size 10

    Went from Large Blouse with tummy showing to Medium Blouse and no more tummy.
    Lost 2 inches off waist and hips.

    I am going to lose one more pound for good measure.
    But then I am going to stop as my husband likes the new me and wants me to stay this way.

    I am at the weight I should be per my physician. The doctor says don't go too skinny at my age, as we get older, we need some meat on our bones, in case we get sick. I am 66 years old
    My BMI is normal 23.8.
  • startheory
    startheory Posts: 63
    Mine has sort of changed. I'm 5'3 also. SW was 145, I've lost 10 lbs. It took me 4 months to lose these 10 lbs. I originally wanted to be 130. It took so long and I worked so hard to get to 135. Thinking about my new way of eating, this is a lifestyle change for me- no going back. I wouldn't be too heartbroken if I didn't get to 130. I'm not giving up just yet though!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I did, but I changed it to higher. I am 5'8 and I haven't been at the weight I am now (154) since early 2009. I forgot what I looked like at this weight. And I actually would be fine at this weight , if I had to. But I want to lose 9 more pounds just to tone up more.

    I had the goal set at 135. Then I realized that is probably too low for my body shape and height. I changed it to 145 which is where I was in 2008. Now I may get to 145 and decide that I really do need to lose some more. We will see.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Yes, after getting a BF analysis it's gone up quite a bit. But, then it will go back down again when I lose some of the liquid lean weight.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Once I hit my original goal (which was the highest acceptable weight for my 5'5" height), I began setting five lb mini goals, so I now weigh 24 lbs less than my original goal. In the past, my version of "thin" was a size 12, so I was aiming for that, and dreaming of a 10. Now I am in 8s, some 6s, and small/mediums. I would like to lose 1 more lb....or really 1.5 more lbs, so I can have an even 90 lb weight loss:) Currently my BMI is 21. I know most people don't put much stock in that, but I have been using it as another tool to measure my progress. I started at a BMI of 35.7.

    I think goal weights are very personal, and as long as we are at a healthy weight and feel good in our skin, than we're good:)
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I started at 293 lbs I made my goal 200 lbs any more than that seemed a long way off. The first twenty five fell off so I lowered my goal to 175lbs. The next twenty five fell off and I lowered my goal to 150lbs. It is talking longer now because I have less to lose but I am ok with that, I want to lose fat and keep it off so I need to do it in a healthy way. I will get there :wink:
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    My original goal weight was 135. I haven't hit it just yet (damned last 10 pounds!) but I've found that my fitness goals have changed since I first started losing weight. Originally I just exercised (cardio) to aid in creating a deficit to lose weight. Now I'm doing stronglifts to keep muscle, get stronger, and hopefully lose fat in the process. It'd be a nice bonus to get to 135 but I won't be heartbroken if I don't.

    This is me...I have my goal at 135. I have been a size 14, 12 and now a 10 all at weight 170! I lost inches from lifting weights. I am 4'11.75". I used to be 5'1" in high school! My doctor says let's see what I look like at 150 as if I lift I may never get down to 135 and be healthy just because muscle weighs more. So we will see. I won't change my ticker just yet but might eventually.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,762 Member
    I've heard a theory that your body kinda has a set point for weight, which is part of why it's so easy for people to put the weight back on within a year or two. According to this theory, it takes a year of maintenance to "reset" that point. So while the weight loss is a great accomplishment, that next year is extremely important. No, I don't have any evidence to back this up, but it's an interesting theory I've heard, and it kinda makes sense to me.
    This is really interesting - I dropped from 81kg to 76kg with ease then found it really hard to get and stay lower than this for a couple of years. Then all of a sudden I found it easy to maintain at 72kg for a couple of years. I then sat at 69kg for another couple before dropping to 66kg without any difficulty or real effort. I think there's some truth in that theory (well, for me anyway).

    Returning to the OP's question, I adjusted my weight goal downwards because I hit my initial goal of 68kg really quickly (down from 72kg post baby). So I lowered it to 65kg but got pregnant again just 1kg from goal, which has put everything on hold for a while.