Falling off the Wagon - and struggling to get back on

MelliCheer Posts: 26
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I've been on this journey since the start of the year and have dropped 14 kgs (30.8 lbs) so far.

2 weeks ago my Mother in Law passed away suddenly overnight and I've been helping my partner get through the packing up of her house, sorting through belongings, keeping in touch with fam/friends, and the funeral.

Now it's over for the most part (except that my garage is full of boxes of her stuff), and I just can't motivate myself to get up and do something. I lead a fairly active lifestyle but that just maintains my weight and I still have a few kilos to go. I have also been eating absolute crap (I've never been a comfort eater and this is a hell of a time to start).

I guess I'm just looking for motivation and wanted to know if anyone else was/has been in a similar situation and what they did to get out of the funk.

Please help!


  • Don't give up! You've done so well already. Get back to recording and watching what you eat. Don't let these last few weeks ruin everything. Start tomorrow!
  • mellers1313
    mellers1313 Posts: 105 Member

    First off, congrats on yor loss so far. Second off, sorry to hear about your recent loss.

    I too fell off the wagon over the summer, gaining back 5lbs that I worked hard to loose. I was 30lbs down before summer and reset my check in weight last week.
    I didn't like how my clothes were begining to feel tight again, I felt horrible and disappointed. So here I am , back logging EVERYTHING. And so far in a week 2 of those lbs have come off.
    Keep your chin up, none of us are perfect, all we can do is our best. So make a pact, cut back again and take it slowly. It will hapen again for ya.
    Take care
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    It isn't the same but I have just come back off holiday. When I went I had every intention of watching everything that passed my lips. But one sex on the beach and that it the diets gone. I'm starting today to get back on that wagon 30lb is amazing and I can't wait till I can tell the world I weigh 30lb less. Your an inspiration and no matter what anybody says most of us will fall off the wagon at some stage in the journey. I'm not going to weigh my self for the next 2 weeks so I can't see what I have put on and I'm going back to listing everything and my exercise. I'm determined to like looking in the mirror again. Every 6 to 7 days I have a cheat meal (Not a huge one just a burger and fries) it helps me to look forward to that.

    You have succeeded in weight loss now don't let it suck you back in..
  • justjane57
    justjane57 Posts: 4 Member
    don't feel bad about yourself every one does the same because no matter what all the diet gurus tell us we make dieting a way of life. i dropped 30lbs last year and disgusting as it is i put it all bk on this year. so i start again but this time its proving harder to motivate myself so keep yourself going look at what youv'e acheived already and try again
  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    When I lose my motivation I just go food shopping, I buy tons of good things for meals and snacking and then I stop reaching for easy and bad choices.
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    Hi... congrats on wt loss... and congrats on recognizing that you are in a funk.... This is the first step to making the correction. The first thing is not what you do.... but what you think... You need to see your whole picture... not this piece that has been rough and rocky..... and sort of a valley. It's almost like... you are on the verge of well that's that..that's the end oif that... it isnt. Just make a choice that you are still on your journey.... Start with the little things.... Today.... you do 15 mins of your regular exercise regime... or even 5 if that is what you can muster.... and slowly increase back to what you were doing. As for the food.... You are experienced a loss.... Grieve it honor the grief process... don't fight it.... that said.... ask yourself why you are eating when you are eating... if you are not hungry then ask what emotion are you trying to feed to calm..... then come up with another solution for calming that emotion... exercise is a great thing a good brisk walk will calm lots of things.
    Sometimes we push ourselves to be and do things... sometimes we need to allow before we push again.

    So be kind to yourself... allow yourself to grieve.... and just start slowly and gently..... Best wishes
  • Thanks for all of your kind words!

    I started yesterday and recorded all my cals/exercise. It felt good to do it again and especially when I got to bedtime and saw that I was good for the day. Just need to keep doing it.

    Little baby steps it is. I'm trying to get my partner to go for a walk/run with me tonight as he's been in the same "funk" that I've been in lately.

    We're both really close to goal, so this little kick in the bum is what I've needed.

    Now 6 pack or bust by Summer! (Dec. 1st for you Northern Hemispherers)
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