Fasting after a cheat day?

Yesterday was kind of an unintentional cheat day...I had close to 2300 calories for the day and my TDEE was at 1900 calories. My question is, how will a 24-hour fast (well, I do drink an occasional half-cup of tea/coffee during the day) help? Will it only help in reducing the bloat? Or are there any other positive/negative effects?


  • obaker
    obaker Posts: 76 Member
    It'll probably help reduce the bloat but not much more than that. If anything it'll probably make you cranky. I've tried that sort of thing before and it just encouraged me to binge the following day.
    You didn't go waaaaay over so I don't know why you'd need to fast.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Thanks! Well it's kind of tough reaching the weekly 3500 target otherwise. I already had one maintenance day this week so this makes a second high calorie day in the week.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    rather than fast, why not do an extra hour or two of exercise over the course of the week?
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Yesterday was kind of an unintentional cheat day...I had close to 2300 calories for the day and my TDEE was at 1900 calories. My question is, how will a 24-hour fast (well, I do drink an occasional half-cup of tea/coffee during the day) help? Will it only help in reducing the bloat? Or are there any other positive/negative effects?

    I fast for 24 sometimes after. I haven't had a cheat day that bad in a long time though. I wouldn't fast for 2300 cals I'd just adjust my cals the next day accordingly
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    I tried that. If I cheat, just fast the next day. Problem with that is it can quickly become a habit, or you may even binge real bad on your fast day, leading to more guilt, then what? fast again? This can turn into a fast binge cycle real quick and is absolutely not healthy. Fasting in itself isn't unhealthy but too often is. So if I have a real bad binge day I reduce my calories for the whole week to compensate for it, thats a much healthier way. Also, I learn better self control, don't deprive myself of any kind of food. If I want a peice of candy I will get it. That way, if someone waves one in my face, I can say no without a problem.

    Sounds like you just ate 400 calories over tho. I wouldnt even concider that a binge. Just take 400 calories out the next day, or 200 calories out the next 2 days, youll be fine.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Weight gain/loss is about energy balance more so than meal timing.
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    After a cheat day, it is not good to fast at all. Your metabolism is comparable to a good fire. If you throw all of your logs on the fire at the same time, then you get a huge fire for a moment, then it quickly burns out. Well the same goes for not putting any logs on the fire. If you don't have anything to start your fire/metabolism, then it will never get off the ground. So what you want to do is add to the fire gradually. Eat something small every 2-3 hours and it will kickstart your metabolism. If you don't eat anything all day long, your body will think you are starving it and do the exact opposite of what you are looking for it to do. It will enter starvation mode and begin to store everything as fat reserves for energy at a later time. But that just my educated opinion on it.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    "Eat something small every 2-3 hours and it will kickstart your metabolism. If you don't eat anything all day long, your body will think you are starving it and do the exact opposite of what you are looking for it to do. It will enter starvation mode and begin to store everything as fat reserves for energy at a later time. But that just my educated opinion on it."

    I disagree. Completely. If you are interested in the health and weight loss benefits of intermittent fasting - look it up. There is plenty of science that it actually encourages weight loss, as well as lots of other health benefits. I, personally find that fasting "resets" my appetite, does eliminate bloat, shrinks my stomach (gives the feeling), and makes me feel better. It has also helped me to lose weight when calorie or diet restrictions have failed.

    Good luck and by all means, if it makes you feel better, fast.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Thanks a lot!

    I did end up eating 400 calories (brown rice and protein) in between since i couldnt hold out. I got my workout in and fasted the other hours.

    Thanks again :)
  • mexticle
    mexticle Posts: 1
    Eating a meal every 2-3 hours does not "kickstart" your metabolism. You burn a majority of your calories while rested, and in order to raise your basal metabolic rate you need muscle mass. Food has little to do with your metabolism.Also, one day of fasting is not going to make you go into starvation mode.