insanity beach body

jenijen25 Posts: 137 Member
hi is anyone doing the insanity beach body challenge ive been doing this insane workout program for 8 days and havnt lost a pound and being a big girl and doing that amount of high intensity exercise I thought id loose 3 pound plus in this first week ive done zumba and slimming world for a year and wanted to step it up ive only been doing the insanity workout because its so hard on its own but today I did 20 minutes zumba aswel Is it that ive been thinking to highly of the insanity and its really not going to work for me or do I have to wait it out im not going to quit anyway but does anyone think I should be doing something aswel like zumba any feedback would be appreciated :):) thanks xxxx


  • ailbheoconnell
    ailbheoconnell Posts: 48 Member
    I've started insanity this week, and from what I've read you have to stick it out to see results. Most people don't see results in weight loss for the first month, cos you are building muscle during that time. Your measurements should reflect the toning up but I would not recommend weighing yourself for the first month, so you don't get disappointed. Maybe take some measurements after two weeks. I am going to weigh myself at three, six and nine weeks and take measurements the same day. Hope that helps and I hope you stick it out cos I think it's a great workout system. I think it's also important to eat in the proportions as recommended in insanity. 40% carbs 40% protein, 20% fat. Let me know how you get on! You can do it!

    Also I think insanity on its own is plenty of exercise. If you do Zumba as well you might split your focus. Maybe Zumba once a week if you love it but I would try to do the insanity 6 days a week as recommended and really give it your all. If you're eating right too you can't fail!
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    I've just finished Insanity but am doing them still just randomly.

    As said, it takes time for results to come. I know women get it harder as the 'shock' to your body of the craziness of Insanity could be causing water retention.

    If you eat clean, eat often, drink lots of water and really give your all in Insanity - you'll see the results :)

    Also remember, Insanity makes you lean muscular so you'll gain some muscle weight. Though this should be offset by the fat loss if you've got excess of that.
  • kju52
    kju52 Posts: 45 Member
    i didn't lose anything the first month. however, i was in better shape with regards to endurance etc and i think my body toned up a little.
    i quit the program last sunday after week 6 because i know what it looks like when my body responds well to a program or excercise, e.g. when i run i'll literally see those lbs dropping everyday, also i was extremely fed up and bored w insanity. same thing everyday for 2 months, couldn't do it. now im back to my own schedule which consists of heavy lifting, bodybuilding methods, as well as running, hiit, medium intensity cardio, outdoor training and insanity or any other workout dvd, sometimes jillian michaels or p90x on only 1 day per week. i'm gonna have to wait and see how it goes for me and track my progress. so as always, ya gotta be patient and find out what is right for you. insanity is a good program, great actually, it'll definitely get u in awesome physical shape but i'm just very critical when people apply one program or one diet to all and say it's best.
    also most people don't see major weight loss the 1st month, it seems to really start the 2nd month. but you will strengthen your core, build some lean muscle, work on ur endurance, leg strength etc etc
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Track your measurements. You don't get a lot of weight loss with insanity, but you do get fat loss. When you start something as intense as insanity, you develop microtears in your muscles as a normal part of exercise. Your body will retain water and glycogen in the muscles as part of the inflammation response to aid in healing. Water is quite dense, so it easily balances or offsets the losses from fat. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for this retained fluid to be released by the body. You might also develop some muscle, which will also tend to push weight higher. I'm almost done with Week 2 of Month 2, and I have gained 2 lbs. However, I have lost inches all over, including 4" off my waist, and I have a lot more definition than when I started. If I weren't tracking with a tape measure and progress pictures, it would be a lot harder to keep myself motivated. Your scale can lie to you. Don't trust it.
  • NathanielUK
    NathanielUK Posts: 61 Member
    I've started insanity this week, and from what I've read you have to stick it out to see results. Most people don't see results in weight loss for the first month, cos you are building muscle during that time. Your measurements should reflect the toning up but I would not recommend weighing yourself for the first month, so you don't get disappointed. Maybe take some measurements after two weeks. I am going to weigh myself at three, six and nine weeks and take measurements the same day. Hope that helps and I hope you stick it out cos I think it's a great workout system. I think it's also important to eat in the proportions as recommended in insanity. 40% carbs 40% protein, 20% fat. Let me know how you get on! You can do it!

    Also I think insanity on its own is plenty of exercise. If you do Zumba as well you might split your focus. Maybe Zumba once a week if you love it but I would try to do the insanity 6 days a week as recommended and really give it your all. If you're eating right too you can't fail!

    This ^ take measurements not Weightloss - The muscle you will build will out weigh the weight loss to start with.
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    Hey! I feel your pain! I did the entire program and saw a huge increase in my endurance and strength, but my weight didn't change at all. So I am doing it again, but I am going to make sure that I eat clean this time.

    I am starting a fitness challenge group for people who are either already doing Insanity or want to try Insanity. I love this workout, but do so much better when I have the support and motivation of a team. But this group will also include a clean eating component. We will hold each other accountable everyday with the food we put into our bodies, share recipes that taste great, and inspire one another to just eat well. Like I said, I did one round of Insanity and saw good results, but didn't get exactly where I wanted to. I know that change is 80% diet and that is where I struggle the most!

    Let me know if you are interested! I'm looking forward to starting this journey with you!
  • 2MissB
    2MissB Posts: 1
    I just started for about a week ago. All I can show for it is 3 inches.
  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    Are you in a challenge group to help keep you accountable and supported? Also what is your nutrition like?? Are you drinking enough water??? There's a whole bunch of factors. I am finishing my 2nd week, and I am seeing results, if you wanna add me we can talk some more!! :)
  • Sierra_christine89
    Sierra_christine89 Posts: 156 Member
    When I do Insanity I usually just do that, and nothing else! Just because it is pretty intense! Just give it time :) You'll start seeing results sooner than you think. Give a week or two. It took me about two weeks before I started losing weight with it.

    Are you eating healthy as well? Some people eat junk, and workout and then expect to be seeing the scale number drop.