Hello :)

Hi everyone.

My name is Jenny and I've just joined up here in order to try and get myself ready for my wedding in October! I was doing OK but 6 weeks ago I had a car accident that left me unable to do exercise, and I was on some pretty hefty tablets from the hospital/GP. Unfortunately, I put on 10lbs as a result of everything combined. I'm back to trying to get out and about now, do some running etc, but feeling a little bit sad about having to work hard to fix something that I didn't need to!
So... here we go. 10lbs to lose, and hopefully by the end of August, just before my dress comes in!!
I hope everyone is enjoying the fab weather here in the UK, and I'm wishing you all the best with your goals too!
:) x


  • suzmedder
    suzmedder Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Jenny,
    I really sympathise with you. I got married last year and found it really easy to get into shape, helped by the fact I thought the dress shop has ordered me the wrong size dress. I lost a few pounds and all was fine...thankfully.

    I am back here now trying to lose again those few pounds and more that have gone on in the past 11 months since getting married!!

    I hope you are fully recovered and are OK to start exercising again. Easy for me to say but don't think of what should of been but think of what will be....picture the dress and picture yourself it in.....you'll find it easy that way.

    Sue x
  • Thanks Sue :)

    I'm doing my best to visualise exactly what you've said. I've always been nervous in front of a camera anyway, so this is now super important for me!

    I'm all good to go exercise-wise, and even running in a (delayed) charity event on Sunday - am hoping that this will also help give me a bit more motivation!

    Thanks for your message :) x