PCOS, Lifting Weights & Testosterone



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    No. Please harden up.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I do stronglifts 5x5 most of the time, but the last couple of weeks have been running through a 5x7x5 program for something different.

    But I lift heavy and I lift free weights. Once I decided to stop fooling around and get serious on lifting heavy... I dropped two pants sizes in 6 weeks... but only a couple of pounds. It was pretty awesome.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    No. Please harden up.

    You're only making it worse on yourself. This isn't going to end well
  • rage032
    rage032 Posts: 36
    Not being an expert on the subject in any regard, but from the research I've done on strength training I've figured out a couple of things.

    1.) Bulking up is not just about the exercise, but the food you're consuming as well. In order to get big, you have to eat big. Most of the bulky guys/girl you see in the gym will be putting in 1 1/2 to 2 hours of pure strength training. When bulking up the lads may eat in excess of 5000 calories a day (Women may do a little less but it's still going to be a lot more than what most people eat). So if you're like me, and you're eating 1500 calories or less a day, there is no way you're going to be anywhere near big as them.

    2.) Muscle Mass does not equal strength. In order to gain muscle mass, you need to be working out on a particular body part for really long times. My weekly bicep workout consists of 3 set of 8 reps. I lift as heavy as I possibly can in those 3 sets and my biceps are wrecked. That lasts all of about 5 mins (including rests), the next week, I will add 2kg onto the weight and go again. The size of my biceps are not reflecting the increase of weights I'm using. If I wanted to really bulk my biceps up, I would have to train them specifically for entire gym session. Muscle mass comes from straining the muscle over a period of time. Which is why a body builder will spend an entire session working on just shoulders, or just back, or chest ect. ect.

    3.) It takes a long time for those guys to get as big as they do. I'm talking years. Even if they are using roids, it would take years. If you're trying to loose weight you will reach that goal long before you look like the Incredible Hulk. Even if you do start to see that you're bulking up a little too much, you can just stop strength training, and as the saying goes, if you don't use it... you loose it.

    Honestly though, in any strength training your muscles will grow. That's the point. You break them down and they come back stronger. The more muscle you have, the easier it is to loose weight, as your body needs to use more energy to run itself.

    Start out with a very general routine, one that targets all your four major muscle areas in one go. Maybe something like Weighted Squats, calf raises, Chest Press or push ups, Assisted pull ups/lateral pull down, shoulder press would be enough to start with. Once you get into it, I think you will not look back.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have PCOS, and just about all the negative side effects from it. I lift heavy. It has NOT made me bulky. It's had the opposite effect; things are tighter and look thinner.

    Don't be afraid. Lift all the weights!

    This is me as well.
  • Laroka
    Laroka Posts: 60 Member
    I don't have pcos, but I was misdiagnosed a while back and looked up a lot of information about it, and asked a lot of questions. Anyway. I don't remember where I got the information, but it makes sense. Basically even though your hormones might be high it is not as high as most men. So you might gain muscle faster than the average women, but not the average man.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    No. Please harden up.

    Wow...really? You seriously have no idea what it's like.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Do you have a lot of chest hair, or need to shave your beard often?

    If not, you don't have testosterone levels high enough to worry.

    Carry on.

    Urm some women with PCOS do have these symptoms. Don't be so flippant.

    Yeah, thanks.

    ETA: Spent way too much money on Electrolysis, waxing, special razors. I have to shave my face, neck, stomach and chest DAILY. I've been on medications for 3 years to stop the hair grow and it may make the hair less black and slower to grow but it's still there.

    I spent 3 years with an sexually, verbally and physically abusive man because he had me convinced that no one else would ever want to be with me. Finally, after losing some weight, gaining confidence and leaving that man, I spent 2 years single out of fear of my condition. The few times a guy would come close to touching my face or neck, I would panic that he would feel that my skin was not smooth and freak out that it was shaved. One actually did. I've been with my fiance for 2 years and I still don't like him touching certain parts of my face and chest.

    Until you are a woman living with Hirsutism and having to live with that kind of insecurity and the depression caused by having no way to fix it, please stfu.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    Do you have a lot of chest hair, or need to shave your beard often?

    If not, you don't have testosterone levels high enough to worry.

    Carry on.

    Uneducated fail.

    A little less sarcasm and a little more research before commenting might be in order ;)
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Do you have a lot of chest hair, or need to shave your beard often?

    If not, you don't have testosterone levels high enough to worry.

    Carry on.

    Urm some women with PCOS do have these symptoms. Don't be so flippant.

    Yeah, thanks.

    ETA: Spent way too much money on Electrolysis, waxing, special razors. I have to shave my face, neck, stomach and chest DAILY. I've been on medications for 3 years to stop the hair grow and it may make the hair less black and slower to grow but it's still there.

    I spent 3 years with an sexually, verbally and physically abusive man because he had me convinced that no one else would ever want to be with me. Finally, after losing some weight, gaining confidence and leaving that man, I spent 2 years single out of fear of my condition. The few times a guy would come close to touching my face or neck, I would panic that he would feel that my skin was not smooth and freak out that it was shaved. One actually did. I've been with my fiance for 2 years and I still don't like him touching certain parts of my face and chest.

    Until you are a woman living with Hirsutism and having to live with that kind of insecurity and the depression caused by having no way to fix it, please stfu.

    That is such an amazing journey, it gives me hope. I wish you and your fiancé all the happiness in the world. :flowerforyou: And I hope to find such a supportive partner in the future.

    Also electrolysis, that **** is just horrendous!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Do you have a lot of chest hair, or need to shave your beard often?

    If not, you don't have testosterone levels high enough to worry.

    Carry on.

    Urm some women with PCOS do have these symptoms. Don't be so flippant.

    Yeah, thanks.

    ETA: Spent way too much money on Electrolysis, waxing, special razors. I have to shave my face, neck, stomach and chest DAILY. I've been on medications for 3 years to stop the hair grow and it may make the hair less black and slower to grow but it's still there.

    I spent 3 years with an sexually, verbally and physically abusive man because he had me convinced that no one else would ever want to be with me. Finally, after losing some weight, gaining confidence and leaving that man, I spent 2 years single out of fear of my condition. The few times a guy would come close to touching my face or neck, I would panic that he would feel that my skin was not smooth and freak out that it was shaved. One actually did. I've been with my fiance for 2 years and I still don't like him touching certain parts of my face and chest.

    Until you are a woman living with Hirsutism and having to live with that kind of insecurity and the depression caused by having no way to fix it, please stfu.

  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Okay, I'm going to ignore the troll on this post and just say this: I have PCOS. I lift. After lifting for four months, I got pregnant. I had serious cycle issues prior to this. My doctor and my OB both said lifting is GOOD for your hormones. That is the effect that I saw it have on my body.
    Give it a try and ease into it, see what you think. I was scared to try but I love it now.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Do you have a lot of chest hair, or need to shave your beard often?

    If not, you don't have testosterone levels high enough to worry.

    Carry on.

    Urm some women with PCOS do have these symptoms. Don't be so flippant.

    He obviously has no idea what PCOS is...
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I also have PCOS and I totally recommend lifting. I have always felt I developed muscle a lot quicker then some women. This is probably due to the PCOS but I am not bulky, I don't look like a man and believe me having a tighter, firmer body is a lot better then extra unwanted flab!! The best thing you can do for your body is try to keep in shape. The symptoms of PCOS can be controlled by lowering your weight and being in better shape. Even things like hair growth can be controlled when you lose weight. Don't be scared to lift!