Getting remotivated to be fit by 50--anyone else like me?



  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    I have a teeny bit more than 50, but feel free to add me too!! I'm currently 45 and I've been on MFP since March but didn't get motivated until about last week!!! LOL!! Finally starting to get some good motivating friends!! Would love to have more!! :happy:
  • hi all

    was 50 in June :cry:

    wasn't fit by 50 so my new motto is fit by 51, our youngest is getting married next August so I need to be at least 2 dress sizes smaller

    good luck everyone
  • Please feel free to add me we could all encourage each other to be fit by 50! I am nearly 47 and said I would not be fat at forty but I was :-( this time is different as I am determined not to have anymore health issues related to weight and like others have said this is a lifestyle change.

    We can do this!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Add me if you would like. I am a former long time SP member but needed remotivating. Joined MFP in January and turn 50 in September. My user name, sprintto50 comes from the fact that for the past 2 years I have said I was going to get fit and lose weight again before I turned 50. January came with no work towards that goal. I have since lost 25 pounds and found a new, athlete me.
  • ekoonce68
    ekoonce68 Posts: 12
    Please add me I turned 45 in June and it hit me a few days before my birthday I had to do something I have been fat most of my life. I started this journey on Memorial weekend and am down 17 pounds so far with another weigh in tomorrow.
  • suecan2
    suecan2 Posts: 45
    that's me alright! do you have any identified barriers at this time to getting this job done??? mine is my work schedule and home life. i hope to change that by labor day. i am separated x 4 years and i am a night shifter, love the peeps i work with, but i realize the fatigue is significant and i hope to move on to finalize this separation thing once and for all so i can move on in this short life.
    i became serious (AGAIN -its like once a decade) at the strength training in june (P90X serious) and i am missing workouts left and right because i am up for a 24 hr period a couple days a week and am finding my work outs certainly are not what i could really put into them to get this fit by 50 accomplished. i put about 50% effort into them and that needs to increase to get me to take ANY after pics (since i have before in a locked box). cuz i gosh darn it... MUST ACCOMPLISH THIS GOAL, I will take after pics one day, i swear i will be able to! i plan on being routinely getting workouts in by mid sept and fine tuned by end of year.
    what would you consider a barrier?? if you feel you have one....
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member

    Getting fit for 50 was part of my motivation when I started on my journey on August 20 of last year. I was 49, peri-menopausal, and at my highest weight ever. I turned 50 in April and had a hysterectomy on May 23, so now I'm in surgical menopause. I take estrogen, so no yucky symptoms:) I am in it for the long haul this time! Ive had weight problems all my life and it took me this long to decide it HAS to be a lifestyle change ????

    Feel free to add me, if you like (if you do, please leave a short message, so I'll remember who you are!)

    Wishing you all the best:)
  • newsharonkay
    newsharonkay Posts: 37 Member
    ok ok I cant lie I am over 0o but I could join to be fit by 56. That rhymes does that count?
  • I turned 47 in May (I am the one on the left side of the picture--my cousin from Germany is on the right). Trying to build some muscle and increase metabolism as they both went out the window in my mid-30's. My Food Diary is pretty basic as my schedule at work can make eating healthy an effort at times. I also am getting into the Green Smoothie trend....Blendtec blender really helps. I like to blend soymilk, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, peanut butter or 1/2 cup of multigrain cheerios, vanilla protein powder, and a handful of baby spinach (so good)! Free to friend me.....Take care and good luck with your goals.
  • Diane1966
    Diane1966 Posts: 20
    Please add me, I'm 47 and by the way I've been behaving food wise it'll take me the next three years to sort it out.
  • Winston1717
    Winston1717 Posts: 184
    49 here and lost 50. On the last leg of the journey. Feel free to motivated friends and to provide motivation.
  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    You can add me if you want. I turned 50 in November. Wasn't fit. But I finally am on track. And at my lowest weight in years
  • Hi everyone, I was 50 on the 4th July. Its not so bad :) Just need to lose those pounds I promised to get rid of before I hit the big 50. So here I go ...... Looking for friends to help me along my journey xx
  • CaliSpooky
    CaliSpooky Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Everyone - I'll be 48 in a few months, with a lot to lose. Looking at 50 looming on the horizon was my goal in joining MFP too, my goal is the same - Fit by Fifty! If anyone would like to add me that would be great - Cheers! :drinker:
  • km47
    km47 Posts: 34
    Just rejoined after a long break
    pretty sure I need to relose some weight I had taken off. getting on scale seems to demotivate me, but i am looking to connect back. I am approaching 50 and not happy where I am either. I need to reign in my eating habits and reestablish my workout routines. I was sooooo goood for soooo long getting up at 5 am and hitting the gym a minimum of 3 x's a week no matter what! i had to give up the membership because it was way too exspensive and my oldest is going to college next year. I will have to figure out a planet fitness option to get there... I am looking for some motivation if anyone else is game. I am fighting the whole chronic high stress, peri menapausal thing as well. lots of belly fat I have about 80 pounds to lose. Any great eating plan ideas out there? I would be most appreciative. best
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    Gosh darn it--I NEED to accomplish this goal too!!
  • operavagabond
    operavagabond Posts: 84 Member
    I'm about 5 years away from my 50th, but I think it's a wonderful goal. Friend request sent.

    Anyone else feel free to friend me as well. :)
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    I'm in the same boat as many here... heading full-speed towards that number 50. I said I wouldnt be fat at 30... that failed... then I promised myself there was no way I would be forty and fat... but I guess I didnt want it bad enough... now 50 is round the corner, and this time I will achieve my goal!!! with a little help from my friends :)
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm 52 but have managed to push my fitness goals further than I would have thought when I first joined MFP in March last year. Now aiming further with Stronglifts 5x5 and running. I'm on here every day and like to support and interact with my friends, feel free to add me.
  • Hey everybody, i like this group and just turned 49. Count me in!