Any Irish??



  • ohnstadk
    ohnstadk Posts: 143 Member
    heritage Irish blood - still haven't found out if that counts :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Part Irish and have been slowly trying to learn Irish :flowerforyou:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    "Do you have any Irish in ya? Want some?"
  • lostdogg
    lostdogg Posts: 450 Member
    American with Irish blood!!!!!!!!

    Don't have to ask!!!!! I know it counts!!!!!!!!!!
  • doctorwhogirl
    doctorwhogirl Posts: 26 Member
    Contae na Mí anseo!
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Tessyloowhoo Posts: 504
    Look at my freckles... I represent! Parents are from Cork!
  • Cork woman here living in the North. I am not made for this heat :sad:
  • RobertaDub
    RobertaDub Posts: 21
    @whierd Oi mister!!! You are now on the bold step!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    @whierd Oi mister!!! You are now on the bold step!

    I was there to begin with!
  • RobertaDub
    RobertaDub Posts: 21
    Well i'm a Dub with Cork parents and marrying a man from Tuam (who is passed out beside me, farting away....loevely).
    Still live in Dublin but hoping to move to Kildare or Laois in next few months. Ideally would move to Halifax, Nova Scotia or MaKay, Queensland but i'm sure Kildare and Laois are just like Halifax and McKay........sniffle.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I have Irish heritage! I was just in UK in May but "sadly" only saw England and Scotland (were AMAZING). Next trip is Ireland/London!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I am half Irish, hence the pale skin.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    I'm half Scottish and Irish! Even though I'm 4th gen Canadian still stay true to my roots :D
  • martin1306
    martin1306 Posts: 21 Member
    English. But the old fella was from Mayo and my mums family were from Wicklow. I think that just makes me confused!
  • Born and raised Dublin here. Still living here! Add away
  • CarlaMaxwellx
    CarlaMaxwellx Posts: 11 Member
    Im irish :) from kerry
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    i drink Guinness on St Paddys...does that count?
  • charlene1873
    charlene1873 Posts: 263
    Hey half Scot half Irish
  • elainek79
    elainek79 Posts: 499 Member
    Galway girl here! :smile:
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I have some Irish, German, Dutch, Cherokee, can't even imagine what else but I'm pale skinned and a red head so I should be Irish, lol.