Mmm cake...

Eating disorder? Yeah, you know you're bad when you eat two cakes in a span of 4 days. And that's the whole cake. All by yourself. And they are nice sized cakes. That is one of the reasons I am here. I also have high cholesterol. And heart problems run in my family. I need support to keep going on this weight loss thing. But I have $0 to spend on this sort of thing, and eating healthy is so expensive. Ugh! So I really need help, I have a food addiction according to my therapist. I was eating so much last week I thought I was pregnant! But I am not. I checked just to make sure! So if anybody out there wants to be friends, I'm all for it! I'd really appreciate the help, so we can support each other. Thanks!


  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I love cake too. And ice cream. The more you work at it though, the more you are able to control how much and how often you eat it. Good luck!
  • muaylex
    muaylex Posts: 32 Member
    I know how you feel.... I literally eat all the time!
  • traceyfunk
    traceyfunk Posts: 86
    While eating "healthy" may seem expensive - I get that one jug of milk is the same as 4 bottles of coke - eating "less" certainly isn't!
    What would it have cost to not eat those 2 cakes? It's all mind set, really truly, and once you set your mind on change the rest becomes so much easier.
  • Lucyk00
    Lucyk00 Posts: 63 Member
    Eating healthy may appear to cost more...but how did that cake cost you? Beans and rice are super cheap and the possibilities are endless, *you* just have to make it happen and stop making excuses. Start simple, give yourself two food goals a week. Like give up soda should be first. change from white bread to a quality wheat bread. Baby steps.

    I'm recently unemployed and *broke* but I'm still finding ways to make it happen. I stock up at aldi when they have cheap produce, freeze and can as much as possible. Buy the almost rotten bananas when you see them on sale and freeze them. Oatmeal is super cheap and you can get lots of meals off one big container. Options are out there, you just have to find them. Do a search for cheap healthy meals....your not alone.
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Darn, my point has already been made! If you can afford 2 cakes, you can afford to eat healthy!! Besides, you can always grow your own! Great food, low cost and exercise in doing the work in the garden! What is not to like?!?! FR sent!
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member Are you in an area this is located?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Healthy eating is not as expensive as you think. You can buy a couple pounds of in-season fresh vegetables for the cost of those 2 cakes you were talking about...Clip coupons, buy in bulk, pay attention to Manager's Special, and never buy out of season. It takes some practice, but you can do it.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    You don't have an addiction. You are eating the wrong kinds of food for you. Get rid of the processed carbs. I eat a lot of chicken, eggs, egg whites, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, etc. I limit bread, pasta, and all other processed carbs as much as possible and if I do eat them, I mix them with fruit and vegetables and protein and make them the side dish. Your body is probably like mine. It sucks, but if you change your diet, you can have success. Get all the processed carbs out of the house!!!
  • Caelrr
    Caelrr Posts: 26
    If I can afford it... THEN YOU CAN, TOO!!
    I share one of those TINY thin single-person mattresses with my boyfriend. I usually end up next to the mattress on the floor because it's actually more comfortable that way... & I can't afford a microwave. I haven't had a microwave in seven months!!
    I just got a second job, so after a month or two things should be easier. (assuming I don't spend money on keeping my $600 car from breaking down). LOL. (:
    Here's what you should buy:

    Brown Rice
    Frozen Veggies (Mixed Veggies, Broccoli, Edamame, Carrots, etc.)
    No-Yolk Pasta
    HEALTHY Pasta Sauce (& just use enough sauce to lightly coat the noodles)
    Canned Fruit in EXTRA LIGHT juice.
    Non-fat Milk
    Healthy Bread (Not the healthiest, but I like Orowheat 12-Grain)
    TONS of Applesauce.
    Popcorn Kernels (PLAIN) *LIGHTLY butter &/or salt yourself
    Oats for Oatmeal

    NO Soda, Juice, or ANYTHING that isn't Water/Milk
    NO junk food AT ALL. It's easier to not eat junk when you don't buy junk

    Shop at Costco to get good deals on bulk.

    Breakfast/Snack Idea:
    Refrigerate Banana, slice, place in bowl of non-fat milk... enjoy!!

    Make sure fruit or vegetable is the MAIN PART to EVERY MEAL.
    That way you can still have yummy things like pasta...
    When I make my No-Yolk Alfredo, I put A TON of peas in it.
    When I make my fried rice, I put A TON of broccoli, edamame, peas & carrots in it.
    My fried rice is really good. I entered it as a recipe on here... you should try it!!

    My boyfriend & I have $160 to spend per month on groceries.
    That's $80 per person.
    A few months ago when I wasn't living with my boyfriend I could only spend $60 - $70 per month.
    Assuming you have at least $80 - 90 per month for yourself, you can absolutely afford it!!
    You could always give up cable & internet until you reach your goal.
    That way you can't be a T.V couch potato, & you can spend the extra money on healthy food!! :D
    I JUST got internet after seven months of not having it. I only pay $37 a month, too!!
    Cable is pointless. Lol.

    Welcome to MFP, & good luck reaching your goal!!