I need an intervention? my friends think so



  • Hughes39
    In my own personal opinion (and I don't mean to be judgmental or anything-but you asked- so please don't take it as such) yes, you seem a bit obsessive with what you do. Even with it being your profession. You constantly post work outs and state that if you don't do it to the fullest, you're doing it wrong. Not all of us are to the point that we can do it perfectly but that doesn't mean it's wrong. And I do get annoyed and feel like you get a know it all attitude with things.
    Going to the gym at 3am? I cannot even imagine waking up that early for ANY reason! (Not saying that it's wrong. just saying that is ridiculously early!) I also agree that if you are/were sick you probably should have avoided the gym. Work out at home, go for a run, something like that! I don't think I would appreciate it much to know that my gym instructor brought her germs and flu bug to the class.

    Again, that is just my opinion. But in the end it's your life and you have to determine if all of it is really worth it. You are already healthy and have a great body. Do you really need to obsess over it more? Not saying that you shouldn't work out anymore. But I am saying I don't think I would be making it that big of a part of my life.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    ok you are my MFP girl and I'm sure you know after 2 months maybe 3 your body will start to break down IF you are not getting enough rest I know 3 marines who say they have been working out for over 2 years without a day off some weeks they run up to 25 miles they are at 2% body fat.

    When I was on shore duty I was spending 10 to 12 hours in the gym some working and some working out.

    I love the way your addiction looks :glasses:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hmmmmm....okay so you ask for an opinion but it seems when you don't get the opinion you want you have lashed out?

    Seems kinda counterproductive to me, but to each her own.

    Personally, if I were one of your students and you were sick I would go to the management and complain. Getting ME sick because YOU are sick is going to cause downtime and loss of wages for me.

    IMO you don't need an intervention, but maybe a little common sense?

    (I already know you won't like what I said above ... but you did ask the following question as your Topic: I need an intervention? my friends think so )
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hmmmmm imagymrat has deactivated her account ...
  • Hughes39
    Hmmmmm imagymrat has deactivated her account ...
    Wow! I've had some tantrums before, I will admit! But never because I didn't get the answers I wanted, when asking a question about the public's opinion!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Seriously, they really think i'm a gym addict, I was late for my own grad ceremony because I HAD to get in a workout, I'm also fighting a nasty intestinal flu bug right now, but I still went to the gym, I had to leave the floor 5-6 times to use the facilities, and felt just nasty, headaches, muscle aches, but I perservered, finished my 3 hour circuit. I feel like death right now, but i'm still off to the gym in an hour to teach a power step class, I just can't stay away. I don't know if it's a problem yet, but it's sure starting to take over...anyone else love that adrenaline rush, that sweat and muscle fatigue that comes along with it, I actually like it...Am the only addict? It hasn't interfered to the point where I don't spend time with my kids, I go to the gym while their still sleeping inthe morning, waking up as early as 3 am to get my full workout, when I teach, they come along, they love the music and like to watch, but I find that my daughter and middle son are also becoming gym rats, rather be pumping iron with their new friends then hanging out at McD's...when does this become a problem and not just a healthy lifestyle choice.....my friends call me a gym junkie..maybe they're right, I know I love what it does to my body and to my self esteem, I love the way I look in my clothes, I love that my kids want to be fit because of me, ...when though, does it cross the line, or does it?? I thought this would be an interesting topic, since I lost the weight, my focus went from thinking about eating, what i'm going to eat, and being excited about eating, to now thinking about workouts, how to improve them, setting physical goals and I get excited thinking about going to the gym and helping people out getting excited about my new step combos... I;d like to see if others share my same obsession.

    I do need to add in, that the bug hit me about 20 minutes into my workout, it'snot like I dragged myself throwing up into the gym, I probably should have left, but I didn't, I knew it would increase my load tomorrow in the gym, since todays workout was a muscle killer.....just needed to edit because it did sound like I went in already sick...I was tired, and had a headache, but didn't think much of it at the time, just to get the record straight, cause everyone's gonna bust my a** on this one regardless! :laugh: and I always clean my machine...ALWAYS!

    You are answering your own question.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Hey, GymRat, if you're still lurking here, listen up, please.

    First, I do think you are a little obsessive, but in a good way. I also wish I had half your commitment! Also, I exercise as a pastime, you do it for a living. Big difference, in my opinion. I work as an engineer on the space shuttle, and some days I'm up at 2 or 3 in the morning and some nights I work til the middle of the night, if the mission calls for it. Most of my friends think that's nuts, but it's required for my job. Same for you, I think. Many of my friends also think I've become a little obsessive with my healthy lifestyle and gym routine. Tough *kitten*. It works FOR ME. Instead of spending my days drinking or laying around, I actually fill my days with healthy pursuits and a clean diet. I do more exercise in a week than most of them do all year. I think as long as YOU are satisfied with your quality of life, then keep doing what you're doing.

    And please come back. I LOVE your posts, and you really inspire me to push a little harder. You were one of the few women on here who was as crazy as I am about this stuff! I know you're not feeling well right now. Hopefully, when your head clears a little, you'll reconsider and come back. PM me if you wish. Good luck either way!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Seriously, they really think i'm a gym addict, I was late for my own grad ceremony because I HAD to get in a workout, I'm also fighting a nasty intestinal flu bug right now, but I still went to the gym, I had to leave the floor 5-6 times to use the facilities, and felt just nasty, headaches, muscle aches, but I perservered, finished my 3 hour circuit. I feel like death right now, but i'm still off to the gym in an hour to teach a power step class, I just can't stay away. I don't know if it's a problem yet, but it's sure starting to take over...anyone else love that adrenaline rush, that sweat and muscle fatigue that comes along with it, I actually like it...Am the only addict? It hasn't interfered to the point where I don't spend time with my kids, I go to the gym while their still sleeping inthe morning, waking up as early as 3 am to get my full workout, when I teach, they come along, they love the music and like to watch, but I find that my daughter and middle son are also becoming gym rats, rather be pumping iron with their new friends then hanging out at McD's...when does this become a problem and not just a healthy lifestyle choice.....my friends call me a gym junkie..maybe they're right, I know I love what it does to my body and to my self esteem, I love the way I look in my clothes, I love that my kids want to be fit because of me, ...when though, does it cross the line, or does it?? I thought this would be an interesting topic, since I lost the weight, my focus went from thinking about eating, what i'm going to eat, and being excited about eating, to now thinking about workouts, how to improve them, setting physical goals and I get excited thinking about going to the gym and helping people out getting excited about my new step combos... I;d like to see if others share my same obsession.

    I do need to add in, that the bug hit me about 20 minutes into my workout, it'snot like I dragged myself throwing up into the gym, I probably should have left, but I didn't, I knew it would increase my load tomorrow in the gym, since todays workout was a muscle killer.....just needed to edit because it did sound like I went in already sick...I was tired, and had a headache, but didn't think much of it at the time, just to get the record straight, cause everyone's gonna bust my a** on this one regardless! :laugh: and I always clean my machine...ALWAYS!

    You are answering your own question.
    That was my first thought...
  • mandyreadsbooks88
    nope...one word. Jealous. Wish I had the motivation.
  • cpu22girl
    There are too many people I would want to "quote" on here....ANYWAY, I am wondering: did you guys READ the same thing I read?? She did not go to the gym knowing she had the flu, just that she wasn't 100%. Get over that part....geez.

    As for taking it too far, as long as you are happy, your kids are happy and no one is getting hurt, then go for it! You look great.
  • shimacrema
    I hope you come back Gymrat. You are very informative and funny!
  • misspenny762
    misspenny762 Posts: 279 Member
    There are too many people I would want to "quote" on here....ANYWAY, I am wondering: did you guys READ the same thing I read?? She did not go to the gym knowing she had the flu, just that she wasn't 100%. Get over that part....geez.

    She edited that part in after we commented on it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Hmmmmm imagymrat has deactivated her account ...

    hmmm someone else is going to have to step into the void...now who will advocate starving oneself and working out the point of dropping????

    her habits (self-proclaimed) sound more like anorexia and less like healthful advice to me.

    I.M.H.O as always.
  • cpu22girl
    There are too many people I would want to "quote" on here....ANYWAY, I am wondering: did you guys READ the same thing I read?? She did not go to the gym knowing she had the flu, just that she wasn't 100%. Get over that part....geez.

    She edited that part in after we commented on it.

    Ohhhh okay... I was like hot dayummmm these people are trippen'!! LOL I saw she said something about editing, but I thought she was just clarifying from the first paragraph. Thanks!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I believe she already clarified that point.

    She was defintely one of the most helpful contributors especially to the exercise section and mfp will have lost a valuable member if she decides not to return.

    Hmmmmm imagymrat has deactivated her account ...

    hmmm someone else is going to have to step into the void...now who will advocate starving oneself and working out the point of dropping????

    her habits (self-proclaimed) sound more like anorexia and less like healthful advice to me.

    I.M.H.O as always.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I believe she already clarified that point.

    She was defintely one of the most helpful contributors especially to the exercise section and mfp will have lost a valuable member if she decides not to return.

    Yup she gave MPF an awful lot of her time freely, she was a paid trainer that chose to share routines with us, she took alot of abuse considering all that she gave. Bummer ppl have to be so rude at times...besides the fact she mentioned she felt like crap, so even writing this she was not feeling well,. Sheesh lets cuts some slack to her. :) Do hope she decides to return :heart: but hard to know.

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Yeah, she totally edited that ... and she indicated at one point that even though she was sick she had to work because she needed to pay bills.

    Sorry you guys came in late but she asked if she needed an intervention then flamed everyone who said that maybe she should look into it :)

    She does give good advice, I actually asked her for a friend request (which she didn't accept) a few days ago.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    There are too many people I would want to "quote" on here....ANYWAY, I am wondering: did you guys READ the same thing I read?? She did not go to the gym knowing she had the flu, just that she wasn't 100%. Get over that part....geez.

    As for taking it too far, as long as you are happy, your kids are happy and no one is getting hurt, then go for it! You look great.

    As we all know, she edited that. BUT the fact remains that she stayed at the gym doing her workout even after it came on and was obviously more than "just not 100%" - AND went back to teach a class. THAT is obsessive bordering on self-abuse.
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Hmmmmm....okay so you ask for an opinion but it seems when you don't get the opinion you want you have lashed out?

    Seems kinda counterproductive to me, but to each her own.

    Personally, if I were one of your students and you were sick I would go to the management and complain. Getting ME sick because YOU are sick is going to cause downtime and loss of wages for me.

    IMO you don't need an intervention, but maybe a little common sense?

    (I already know you won't like what I said above ... but you did ask the following question as your Topic: I need an intervention? my friends think so )

  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member

    What happens though when it IS my life, I make my paycheck now because of my body, My priorities are my children, my paycheck provides for them, and this is my chosen lifestyle, this is my job, i've gone part time with the postoffice, because I make more money off my body, plain as that..is it still wrong???

    I fear you are mistaking your living for your life. I'm a teacher for a living, and that is also a big part of who I am, but at the end of the day, my first priority is to my loved ones. If I have a major family event for which I need to take a day off, there's never a question what I'll choose. And I'm a dedicated teacher. So if you find your family and friends taking the back seat, you may at least need to consider the possibility that you are addicted and addiction to anything, by definition, is unhealthy.