Not a great start

Well, yeah, okay, my first post on these forums.

I'm on day one of and to be honest, I'm a little bummed out.

I'm looking at my food diary and I'm looking at the time of day and I'm just wondering if I'm actually going to be able to stick to this full-time.

I've heard stories from people saying "Oh, I never went hungry" or "I need to eat MORE..." or even "I don't feel like I'm on a diet." Well, I guess that's not the case for me.

I'm looking at it and thinking... "Oh god, is that all I have left?" And I don't necessarily think my choices have been poor ones.

I don't know. Just.. feeling sad. I had so much hope, when I signed up. I'm wondering if anybody else felt this way when they were first starting out, and did it get better?


  • MeganKS
    I felt that way. I was thinking when I first joined that this is all the calories I can take in a day?! really?! that's impossible!--but I did it. It was rough at first making sure I was staying within my limit and eating enough to not necessarily make me full, but fill me up to where I no longer had hunger pains. I've been doing this for nearly a week now, and it's become easier and easier with each day to maintain how much I eat, and make them healthy choices. I do slip every so often, just like so many others do, but to make up for the unwanted calories I take in i do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, even if it's just walking. So I know it'll get easier for you once you give it a try, just have confidence in yourself that you can do this. That is one of the first steps you'll have to make.

    Good Luck on your journey :)
  • wannabthatgirl
    Hey Welcome to MFP! This is only my 3rd day here. Don't feel bad at all...I felt that way the day I started and quite frankly still do to an extent. But I only have myself to blame for my unhealthy eating decisions. I counted calories in the past a few years back and it actually worked wonders for me I lost 40lbs in 40months (I was working out too). Anyhow all I can say is just don't give up. You will learn to eat different foods lower in calories and in turn likely healthier for you. I found when I started eating healthy foods ex. fruits veggies and smaller healthier portions that I WAS filling up fast and I did have that "I still have MORE to eat?!?!!!!" feeling! Don't get discouraged this is a great place for all the support you need. Good luck and we are all here for you!
  • cmak8
    cmak8 Posts: 14 Member
    You can totally do it. I find it is more about portion control. I can still eat what I want to but I have to be conscious about the quantity. You can do this, I find the most difficult part is writing everyday, I only have access to a work computer. I like this site as it has EVERY food possible to you can find out how many calories are in what you are eating.
    Good luck
    I hope you stick with it.....we all need support.
  • wannabthatgirl
    Hey Welcome to MFP! This is only my 3rd day here. Don't feel bad at all...I felt that way the day I started and quite frankly still do to an extent. But I only have myself to blame for my unhealthy eating decisions. I counted calories in the past a few years back and it actually worked wonders for me I lost 40lbs in 40months (I was working out too). Anyhow all I can say is just don't give up. You will learn to eat different foods lower in calories and in turn likely healthier for you. I found when I started eating healthy foods ex. fruits veggies and smaller healthier portions that I WAS filling up fast and I did have that "I still have MORE to eat?!?!!!!" feeling! Don't get discouraged this is a great place for all the support you need. Good luck and we are all here for you!

    That should be I lost 40lbs in only 4 bad!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    40lbs in 40 months?
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I felt like this at first, but I've been doing this awhile now, and have learned some things...

    1) Expect it to be rough at first - this is a learning process!!
    2) The more healthy, fresh, non-processed foods you eat, the easier it is to stick to your calorie goal. A salad with lots of fresh veggies, some beans, and a chicken breast on top satisfies me so much more than processed food I used to eat for lunch. Don't be afraid to try new (healthy) foods - I eat so many more veggies now than I used to, and they're great!
    3) Exercise is a GREAT way to earn more calories to eat. I'm on 1200 cals/day, but usually eat 1300-1600 due to exercise. I workout almost every day now, but it took me awhile to get to that point. I eat back 50-75% of my exercise calories. I'm not hungry, and don't feel deprived.
    4) Allow yourself a treat now and then - but don't be afraid to try healthy treats. (Ex. black bean brownies, soft-serve bananas, a fresh fruit salad, home-made smoothie, etc) I rarely crave junk food anymore, because I've found healthier treats that make me feel much better than that stuff did. When I eat anything too sugary, it gives me a headache now!
  • wannabthatgirl
    40lbs in 40 months?

    I corrected myself...just a typo! 40lbs in 4 months!!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I can only speak for myself....I felt exactly how you feel, and realized that I became obsessed with food.....I was always counting, and planning the next meal before I even finished the one I was eating. I feel as though I went to bed hungry alot......that is if I didn't sneak a bowl of cereal or something. Then my doctor recommended eating low carb rather than low fat or low calorie. Now I eat what I want (No sugar or Carbs) and I am full at each meal, and more times than not I eat between 950-1600 cals a day.....but I have 3 egg omelettes with bacon and cheese and cream cheese and I eat salami / cheese wraps and big steaks with a nice big serving of veggies, and I snack throughout the day I feel great about losing, and to be honest, if I wanna eat something before bed, I go in and have a couple pieces of salami or string cheese....and I don't feel a bit bad about it.

    So it can be done....feeling good about eating right, you just have to figure out what is good for you.

    Hang in there......good luck
  • johnthefatman
    You nailed it again Trenton - maybe newbies should be sent a list of links to your posts :wink: - they are the best and clearest I have read. Thank you - you are a star.
  • ebean
    ebean Posts: 12
    Wow. I'm just blown away by the fast replies and the quality of the information you've shared.

    I feel -SO- much better knowing I'm not the only one to balk at the change and that there really -are- other people starting this at the same time I am. I dunno. It just makes such a difference for me.

    I guess I've got some learning to do about what's really healthy and what isn't and how I can adjust everything to fit. I really want to make this work.

    But most important of all, your messages remind me not to beat myself up if I don't get it perfectly right on the first day. I will just adjust and try something new, tomorrow and so on, until I get it right!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. <3
  • kimberk67
    I feel that way too- the whole wow I can barely eat anything else today... Look at it like this, before you started doing this did you have ANY idea how much you were actually eating? I didn't. So maybe I go over my caloric intake, maybe not, either way its still helping me to eat in a way that's nutritionally balanced (or not). So hang in there :):glasses:
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    :drinker: I am almost done with week three. I am just now getting to the point where I am not constantly hungry. The first two days I was on this, I couldn't believe how many calories I was already consuming. I looked at those totals and thought no way! How am I ever going to do this? But on the third day, I started really watching those calories. You can look back at everything you ate. You can see changes you can make, swaps to make (for example: butter spray for spread butter on toast), where to cut back, where to increase. The food diary really is a great tool. I am truly eating healthy for the first time in my life. You know what? It's a great feeling. These first few weeks have been tough, but I know in my heart that I am well on my way. I am down 7 pounds and will weigh in later this week to see how far I've come. (I lost 3.4 the first week and 3.6 the next week) By the way, I shudder to think how many calories I used to consume on any day before I started counting them. :frown:

    I am not one of those people that says I wasn't hungry. I was constantly hungry. I ate under the recommended calories. I usually had (and still do) have about 400-600 calories to spare every day. I was told that it would take at least three weeks for it to become a reality for me. They were right. They were 100% right. Do not give up. Stick with it.

    Also, don't forget to throw in that cheat meal once per week. That's one meal, not one day of meals. Since this is your first day, I would wait a week to have that meal. The purpose of the cheat meal is so you don't feel deprived AND it keeps your metabolism from having that plateau. It confuses it! So make it count! A couple of cheat snacks a week would probably also be ok. Just don't go overboard.

    Good luck and best wishes! And welcome to My Fitness Pal!!! Hang in there!!! :drinker:
  • ebean
    ebean Posts: 12
    No! You're totally right, kimberk67. I had absolutely NO idea about what I was eating or how much.

    I actually thought I really wasn't eating all that much and now I look at my food diary and I have to face the fact that things have been really, really out of control.

    You're right. At least this way, I'm educating myself. And to be honest, after reading everything people have posted here, my initial hope, that there IS a reason that I'm overweight and I can -CHANGE- that, has been restored. And I just absolutely feel like I've come to the best possible place.

    I want to be one of those people, posting here, some months from now, saying "I felt that! You can do it!" lol

    kappyblu --> That is a great loss! oh my gosh! :)
  • Beebee78
    I agree with Trenton - it is hard at but so worth it. You will find so much support here that you WILL get through it.

    Lots of luck xxx
  • jflynch45
    Don't get discouraged.....When I think "oh I didn't eat all my calories" well, then I think "thats just crazy!" Thing is, if I didn't eat my calorie alotment, its because I didn't eat enough of the RIGHT calories. Sure, its easy to "eat enough" of the WRONG calories, heck, thats just a trip to McD's away! The trick is to eat enough of the right calories which may taste so great all the time, which is why we got in this shape in the first place. Crazy, huh?
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    You nailed it again Trenton - maybe newbies should be sent a list of links to your posts :wink: - they are the best and clearest I have read. Thank you - you are a star.
    I will say they are very clear and easy to read/to the point, I most definitely agree:wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Well, yeah, okay, my first post on these forums.

    I'm on day one of and to be honest, I'm a little bummed out.

    I'm looking at my food diary and I'm looking at the time of day and I'm just wondering if I'm actually going to be able to stick to this full-time.

    I've heard stories from people saying "Oh, I never went hungry" or "I need to eat MORE..." or even "I don't feel like I'm on a diet." Well, I guess that's not the case for me.

    I'm looking at it and thinking... "Oh god, is that all I have left?" And I don't necessarily think my choices have been poor ones.

    I don't know. Just.. feeling sad. I had so much hope, when I signed up. I'm wondering if anybody else felt this way when they were first starting out, and did it get better?
    Hang in there, takes a few days to get rid of some of the food cravings, the withdrawel headaches from pop, sugars etc. For some it takes longer.

    2 good points on your part.

    1. you posted how you felt on the boards so others can back you up and lift you up while you're down, that's what we do here, we're ALL in this together, so you're never alone in this you can always come post the good the bad and the ugly!:wink:

    2. You're still here, you haven't gone anywhere. it's the beginning of a brand new day (ok, ok, so in a couple As Trenton shared, filling your calorie goal with healthy foods that are filling will make you less hungry and in time you will come to enjoy that apple with cheese as a snack, or raisins and almonds mid afternoon.

    I too am now at 1200 a day and it' plenty of food for me now, but it sure was hard adjusting when I was used to over 2000 when at my heaviest. But our bodies DO ADJUST.

    All the best :flowerforyou: