I need pals!!:)

I am new at MFP but have been reading posts for encouragement before. Add me? :)


  • Welcome, and good luck with your goals.

  • shafikes
    shafikes Posts: 52 Member
    I am fairly new. About three weeks. Adding you now. Good Luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    I need pals too! I will add you :)
  • Irisvguitar
    Irisvguitar Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you :)
  • panicmonkey
    panicmonkey Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new too! I will add you as well.
  • I'm not new but I am just now taking advantage of what this site can do for me :) Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • AviBeFit
    AviBeFit Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not new to this site, but didn't take it seriously the first time around. I dint have my friends on here for support. Now I'm determined to make some changes and find more friends for support ;)

    I'm adding you now. I'm also open to more friends!
  • I need friends on here too lol I haven't got any :happy:
  • Im new and need pals too inspire and help each other feel free to add me
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    Anybody feel free to add me I update my cardio daily.
  • Tinyfigure
    Tinyfigure Posts: 575 Member
    Feel free to add me everybody, I post daily and encourage my friends :) x
  • ravensfitnessjourney
    ravensfitnessjourney Posts: 247 Member
    Anyone can add me as well!
  • I'll throw myself in as well. New here and don't have many friends on here for encouragement, Feel free to add me and say hey. :smile:
  • Scott3600
    Scott3600 Posts: 14
    Anyone can add me!I need some friends on here!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Been here for 3 months. Have some great friends here, but you can never have or give enough support.

    I'm doing 5:2 and loving it.

    Add me if you like.
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    hey...sending a friend request your way:)
  • The more friends, the more encouragement and motivation going around! Anyone who wants to add me, please do! It's good to have friends that have a passion to be healthy!
  • im 10 mins new lol...Still figuring out how to use this:happy:
  • savgar32
    savgar32 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm back on the site after finding a second wave of inspiration~ Maybe having pals will keep me on track this time. Anyone add me as well! :blushing:
  • blytheboesen
    blytheboesen Posts: 1 Member
    Super new. Started this adventure today but need motivation to keep going and not give up on the days that I won't want to do it!