Im afraid to do Lunges. Weak Quads.

Hey so I'm new to MFP. I need some advice. So since playing tennis in high school I noticed that I sometime get random spazzes of pain in the muscle right above my left knee. Because of this I'm kind of afraid of doing lunges. I feel like if I strengthen my quads the pain wont be noticeable. Any tips on how to build quad muscle?


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    random pain like that should be checked out by a doctor, because it could be an injury, and some kinds of injury are made worse by exercise. Get advice from a doctor or physio how to exercise while the injury is healing, or if there are other exercises you can do to strengthen the area if necessary, but this kind of advice needs to come from a doctor or physio who's examined you first to find out exactly what's going on with the pain.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    How to build quad strength?

    Leg press.

    Don't be afraid of lunges. Just start out with your bodyweight. Then, when you can easily do 3 sets of BW lunges with proper form, you can add 5 lb dumbbells. When you can easily do 3 sets of lunges with 5 lb DBs, go to 10 lb DBs and so forth.

    That said, if you have spasms and/or pain at or above your knee, see a doctor first. There could be any number of things wrong with your leg and/or knee causing that. And doing any form of lower-body exercise may exacerbate the problem.
  • GamerGirly
    GamerGirly Posts: 158 Member
    Ironically your quads will get stronger if you do more lunges...

    Mine used to shake a lot while doing lunges and almost made me tearful it hurt so bad..

    But then I asked myself if I wanted to be a fat *kitten* and whine like a baby..

    I decided I didnt. pushed through it .. still got a lot of weight to lose but I got thighs of steel!! =D
  • bridgegetsfit
    bridgegetsfit Posts: 32 Member
    I mean I've had the pain for like 5 years now. Would going to the doctor at this point really make a difference? Plus its not like a constant pain more like slight discomfort that's kind of annoying.
  • harleykat64
    I get those same pains but in both legs right above the knee. It is the tendons that connect from your hip to your kneecap. My doc says to be very careful because it can easily get further injured. It requires surgery to fix but most insurance will not cover it until you are in your 40s. I work my quads just very carefully, lunges hurt to much so they are out for me but squats are a little less painful.
  • noddyca
    noddyca Posts: 5 Member
    Definitely go see your Dr and a Physio. I was in the same place as you occasional thigh pain but i continued with lunges and squats and I was feeling good then my left knee dislocated and a month later I'm still on crutches. Physio will give you exercises to safely strengthen your quads. Good luck. :)
  • CajunTexan33
    CajunTexan33 Posts: 76 Member
    Also FORM FORM FORM is SO important...have to be sure you are using your muslces and not compensating with your is definitely hard to get use to especially starting off when there is not much muscle there to start with! lol...I have joint and knee problems and I spend a lot of time on my back.. (ok pervs...not like that) The BUtt Bible DVD level one is great with many strengthening exercises that start on the ground to build quads and glutes..makes it easier to build up to lunges!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I mean I've had the pain for like 5 years now. Would going to the doctor at this point really make a difference? Plus its not like a constant pain more like slight discomfort that's kind of annoying.

    you still should, it could be a long term issue, and leg pain can be caused by back problems. It'd be best to find out what's going on. If it's nothing, your doctor will tell you and maybe even give advice for how to prevent it, and you'll know it's safe to carry on.
  • jennfit40
    jennfit40 Posts: 3
    I would stick with squats - but please watch your form - so many people do these incorrectly! Cycling is also a great, low impact way to gain quad strength. But you should probably see a doctor too.
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