Protein Powders...Talk to Me!



  • nminden
    nminden Posts: 55 Member
    because it is genital on my stomach.

    I'm sorry, but THAT is funny.

    They may indeed find sales going up with typos like that!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    touche girly.... but thyroid problems or not... soy is heavily marketed as a "health" food, and there are many concerns about soy besides it being rough on your thyroid. It is only my obligation to share with ppl the concerns I know about it so ppl will use it only in moderation. And a scoop of it a day is NOT moderation IMO =))

    Soy is not bad for you in moderation. You would need TONS of soy a day for it to pose any form of a risk. A couple servings a day won't hurt you. It can be helpful and healthy for you and has a lot of great nutrients. A scoop of soy protein is minimal and will not cause any health issues.

    People need to stop believing every little thing that these articles tell us is bad without looking at the real proof... especially when a lot of the articles tht state something is bad for us is one person's opinion stated as fact.

    OP, it's possible you drank the shake too quickly. It happens to me when I drink a shake too fast. I love various soy protein powders. I don't consume Whey when I buy a shake mix but there are a lot of great whey protein options out there. If you want to change the shake mix you use head into your local Walmart, Target, grocery store or healthy food store. There are some really good ones at all the different price points.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Believe what u want. I personally feel that my soy latte a day for the last few years has contributed to my thyroid/ metabolism issues. Go ahead and have a scoop a day and I'll laugh when u start getting man boobs lmao

    Please do a bit more research on the subject. A small amount of soy a day will not cause any health problems and will not cause man boobs. Don't pin your thyroid and metabolism issues on soy unless you have real proof that soy was the cause. Those issue can be caused by a lot of different reasons.
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I use Jay Robb's unflavored protein powder(whey). Mix easily melts with milk. I use it in my morning cereal. Hope it helps.
  • ryanscrobertson
    ryanscrobertson Posts: 1 Member
    I am a herbalifer myself; so I use the herbalife protein drink mix with all my shakes and sometimes in something such as sugar free pudding.
  • GetNew81
    GetNew81 Posts: 26
    I started out using Jay Robb Chocolate Whey Protein Isolate. It's tasty in everything except water. Today, however, I bought a tub of NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate Natural Unflavored. I haven't tried it yet but the Amazon reviews are extremely favorable.

    I highly recommend the Jay Robb, although it's a little pricey depending on where you buy it.
  • GetNew81
    GetNew81 Posts: 26
    Believe what u want. I personally feel that my soy latte a day for the last few years has contributed to my thyroid/ metabolism issues. Go ahead and have a scoop a day and I'll laugh when u start getting man boobs lmao

    Yes, right... everybody have man boobs in Asia, where a lot of soy is consumed.
