On my third week

I'm on the second day of my third week of solidly working out, and I can feel myself hitting that slump. Every time I get into working out and eating well, I hit a slump at the end of my second week/beginning of my third week. It's that point where I'm sick of getting up at 5 am, I'm tired, and I'm starting to miss all the junky food. Watching my husband eat the ice cream I want at night is getting frustrating! I haven't given in, and I'm really enjoying losing weight. I love getting on the scale and seeing my weight go down. I'm pushing through this week, and hopefully by next week I'll be feeling better!


  • beka2699
    beka2699 Posts: 16 Member
    I totally feel ya!!! I feel thge same way, we gotta just hang in there!!!! It will all be worth it 6 months from now!!!!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    :explode: Great job! I'm on my 1st week,60 lbs. to go! Give yourself a treat once a week,being to strict causes the body to work against you![Can tell you are doing something different, so it rebels] Changing healthy lifestyle takes time and this is a marathon not a sprint! Ask your husband to help you out,[don't sabatage you] and don't eat junk in front of you,keep junk out of the house![That's how my wife and I do it] We also eat the same foods and exercise same days so you have a feeling of a special bond together!:drinker:
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    today is day 1 of my 3rd week...... and I completely understand! so lets push through this together and make something happen in our 3rd week!! I am gonna go to 2 step aroebic classes a week starting today, I hope that gives me alittle boost!! We CAN do this, and we WILL do this!!! =)
    Have a fabulous day!!!
  • Lithuria
    My third week too and I'm with you on this one...I always feel the slump around this time. Thankfully for me I think I hit it over the weekend and feel like I've managed to get over it...hopes anyway! All us three weekers, we shall push through, there are many more weeks of feeling terrific when we see the scale go down to go :D
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    Well done you for sticking it though! This is the time when you really need to focus on your goals and the reason you want to achieve them. Everytime you think you're depriving yourself (for instance, by not having ice cream), think about what you're gaining: a healthier body, a gorgeous figure, new sexy jeans, whatever makes you think, "you know what, I love this journey I'm on and I can see how I'm gonna look in a month's time"!

    Also don't deprive yourself of treats. Work them into your daily calorie allowance. If hubby has ice-cream, you have low fat frozen yogurt or sorbet! Low-cal guilt-free treats!

    Good luck :smile:
  • kimmie1013
    kimmie1013 Posts: 16 Member
    I had a problem with being totally wiped out at about my 4th week. I was eating right and exercising. I realized I wasn't eating enough calories. I can't wrap my brain around adding calories when you exercise so I quit. Now I just stay very active and eat right and the weight still comes off without exercise and I feel great. Stick with it and you will figure out what works best for you. Don't assume you have to do what everyone else is doing. As far as ice cream I would not of made it without Skinny Cow.
  • lpkitty
    I'm on day 25 and all weekend felt the slump, but we'll all push through together. Yesterday to help get through the slump I stood in front of the mirror and took some before pictures to motivate myself. Have you tried weight watchers ice cream cups? Very tasty and the one I tried was only 170 calories.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I would take a day of rest! When your body says its tired, then you should rest it, otherwise exercise becomes counter productive; you get fatigued and you give up! Take a day off, or two!!

    Secondly, find an ice cream substitute. I eat Fab ice lollies every day = 90cals Don't know if you can get them anywhere else in the world (Im' UK), but they really sort my sweet craving out and I dont feel deprived. There are other alternatives out there. As the lady said, skinny cow are a good brand.

    I really beleive you have to make the best of a bad thing! So, dont think you have to push yourself to the point of fatigue. Adjust your diet and exercise so it suits and you're the happiest you can be during weight loss. We're here for the long haul, so we may as well be comfortable :bigsmile:

    Good luck :flowerforyou: