Fat/carbs/prot balance?

redon Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss

I'm no more training as before and not sticking to my old diet plan gym-oriented. I moved from spreadsheet control of calories to this tools finally available on my mobile.

the only doubt is that the balance among the nutrients is not what I've expected. I always knew that you need 1gr protein for each kg body weight to keep your body working. If I look at the scheme offered as std by mfp the proteins are very low!
I'm now taking the value back to a more balanced 40% prot / 40% carbs / 20% fat and changing manually the goal.

In addition I found very hard to eat less than 35% prot and not starving during the day. Too much carbs require more exercise to keep weight under control since is difficult to have good carbs available trough the day (office lunch, snacks, ...)

Anybody has the same problem to calibrate the balance?



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I do, but I had to modify it to meet my doctor's suggestions due to a medical condition. The research shows that people with the condition I have do best on a diet of 50% carbs / 30% fats / 20% proteins. I have set it, but in my notes daily show what my actual intake was for the day. I have trouble getting my fats up - and I don't mean french fry fats....good fats like nuts, oils, fish & avocados.

    I'm generally under my guidelines given by MFP but am usually more around 60 carb: 30 protein: 10 fat. But I'm working on it.....LOL that's been my focus of late. If I can stick within my guidelines, under my sugar goals and under my calorie goals, I should be fine :P
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    :smile: Your balance of carbs,prot, & fats are about right! Remember even though you like to eat less carbs they are the gas for the body[like car]. Proteins are used to repair parts in the body. Remember to eat carbs & protiens together[slows down carbs into blood stream]. Ever thimk about taking sandwich[turkey or peanut butter or chicken] to work with you? Add along some fruits[for fiber] along with some nuts? Fiber adds to fullness so you won't be hungrey as often.
    Add to that drink water all day, instead of sodas & fruit drinks. ALL THREE ARE IMPORTANT FOR THE PROPER FUNCTION OF THE BODY!!!!! Another added benefit is you save money when taking your own food.[save about $40-$50 dollars a week thats $200.00 a month. Good Luck. P.S. BE SURE TO EAT NO LESS THEN EVERY 4 HRS.:drinker:
  • I use these proportion when training (protein 48%, fat calories 20.0%, calories carb/day 32.%) and 40/20/40 when I train only few hours/week.
    I keep calories from fat always not higher than 20%. I went all trgough the power food stuff but now I'm back to the basic.
    Bkfst: oats flakes + nuts + milk proteins
    Lunch: plain pasta + tuna in brine
    Snacks: low fat cottage cheese + whole rice cakes
    Dinner: whole seed bread (Found the Burgen soya very good) + plain salad + chicken
    and so on ...

    Probably the stop/start exercising plays a role in the weight I've taken; it looks not everything is about calories, the body tries to find a balance. not easy...
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