Hi Im new to this and C25k

Hi Everyone

Im new to fitness pal finding it really good so far. did weightwatchers last year so want to get back down to my finishing weight, but dont want to go back so think this is great for having to track my diet and still have support from the forums and friends. Also started Couch to 5k, first week is going well. Week 1Day 2 completed yesterday!

Feel free to add me :happy:


  • heyzoos
    Hi Lainey,

    I'm also quite new to this site. Finding it very useful. I've just finished the Couch25k program and I found it an awesome intro back into running. I've made the mistake of doing too much too soon before and C25K definitely eases you in the right way. I'm now trying to bring my 5km time down to 20 minutes. Quite a way to go yet :)

    Good luck with your goals.

  • RunLaineyRun
    Hi Dan,

    I am looking forward to the challenge of the 5k run, I would have no idea how to build up to it on my own, have tried before and like you done too much, had sore muscles for a week and quit, so really liking the programme.

    Good luck with bringing down the time!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    That's a great combination! Welcome! I've loosely followed C25K myself and it's been really successful. I'm up to running at least 15 minutes before I have to take a walking break for 2-3 minutes and I'm hoping to keep extending that time to a full 30 minutes or so without talking a break to walk. The best way to go about it is to talk a walk break before you think you'll need one. Otherwise you get exhaused from trying to run too fat. I've been able to run 25 out of 30 minutes of my workout with 2 walk breaks to bring down my heart rate. It works very well.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Hi Lainey,

    I've been here a while and am starting C25K again, kind of stopped halfway through week 8 :sad:

    Anyway back to the treadmill,

    Good luck
  • RunLaineyRun
    Great to see so many are doing the C25K and its working! I havent found week 1 too difficult but I know it will get tougher as the weeks go by, but I am determined to complete it! and then keep it up!
  • natsab76
    Hi Lainey!

    Welcome to MFP - I have been a member for just over 2 months and have lost an incredible 20 pounds - I've tried losing weight many times before however with the help of this site and the encouragement of everyone on here - it's made it easy and enjoyable.

    I've always wanted to be a runner but thought it impossible what with my my 5'1, 195 pound frame, but since losing the 20 pounds and trying C25K - I feel like it's actually going to be a reality - I've only done Day 1, week 1, but can't wait to get in the gym for my second day of week 1! I walk the 5k almost every day in just under an hour, so to be able to run it in 30 minutes would be just great!!!

    Good luck with your goals Lainey! Keep on keeping on!

  • RunLaineyRun
    Hi Natalie,

    How is the C25k going? I have Week 1 Day 3 tonight and Im looking forward to moving on to week 2. I followed the C25K page on facebook and find it great reading all the comments from people on weeks 6,7,8 and 9! Looking forward to being able to run for 30 minutes without stopping! Dont know when I was last able to do that, if ever!

    Hope its going well for you too!
  • nidis10

    I´m new to this too, just started yesterday, and have a good feeling about this (-:
    I usually give up the second day, haha, but not this time, I have set a daily goal, and I will stick to the plan this time, i feel this program will be really helpful (-:
    Good luck!
