Looking for friends~ short girls?

Hi everyone,

I'm not new to MFP, but I would like to make some new friends!

I'm a 4'11" girl, 24 years old, and I currently weigh 120 pounds. Since graduating college (and started a desk job), I gained 15 pounds. I'd like to get back to 105, which is right in the middle of my healthy weight range. I have managed to lose 5 pounds (down from 125), but I was in a plateau for a while and still haven't figured out what will work best for me. Any tips for a shortie?

Thanks!! I look forward to hearing from you!


  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 4'11 too :O) Im currently at goal 100lbs
    Ive lost a total of 36lbs, some before myfitnesspal, and some while here.
    :O) add me if you wanna
  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    and you can look at my diary..but now Im maintaining. But when I was losing , because of my height and experimenting...I made my calories 1,050..and would not eat my exercise calories, unless I burned over 200 and then I could have 1/2 of them back. Thats how I did it. But now, Im maintaining just fine at about 1,100 and if I work out, if I want I can eat all my cals back. Sometimes on weekends I eat about 1300
  • shafikes
    shafikes Posts: 52 Member
    I am 5'2" a little taller but still on the short side. My current goal is 66 lbs down 8 so far. This is a good site for support and encouragement. Feel free to add me. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Hey there! I am 28 and 4'11", but I lied on my DL, so it says 5'. Ideally my goal was to go down to about 100,.but I started lifting weights, so who knows how much I will end up weighing.
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    I am under 5'0 and was at 129 pounds before starting working out. I hope to go down to at least 115 or 110. I do cardio 7 days out of the week. Feel free to add me.
  • captainkat07
    So nice to meet all of you!

    I'm stuck at 120 pounds right now, and I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. I'm currently netting somewhere between 1000-1200. Eating back all my exercise calories wasn't working all that well and I was stuck at 122 for the last three months! I was doing lots of cardio and strength training but neither the scale or my measurements were budging! During this time I learned some healthier habits and started eating less processed foods, quit drinking diet soda (replaced it with unsweetened tea!) and moved toward a lower-carb diet.

    I had been doing some cardio for 1/2 an hour every morning, but lately I've skipped that in favor of mat pilates. Or, I haven't been able to get up early so I've skipped exercise entirely (this whole week! ahh!). I want to start back up with that but I don't know what or how much I should be doing. Any thoughts?