sum thing had to change

Firstly when I am not at work I rarely seem to eat I would go right through until teatime without eating some days but then I would become so hungry that Id stuff down whatever I could find, have tea then sit and watch the usual soaps on tv followed by a full bottle of wine. (well after all it is my day off)
On a working day I do 12hour shifts 4 times per week where i am constantly on my feet, I work and eat at the same time snatching what I can and never stopping to sit down for meals. I dash up and down corridors for 12 solid hours never resting so after my shift I would go home and enjoy a nice soak in the bath with a btl of wine n maybe a take away. (after all its been a hard day, what better way to relax)
Suddenly I put 3 stone on I couldn't understand why!! Then i stopped and took a look at my life style I realised going hungry at home all day was causing me to binge eat late at night and because I work in a unit with under nurished residents all food and drinks are packed with added fatteners and calories. Because I wasn't sitting down to enjoy a proper meal I realised I was snatching anything I could when I could, chocolate, crisps, energy drinks, cakes, buns etc After realising this I downloaded the fitness pal app. It has helped me to think about what I am eating before I stuff it in my fat trap. I have cut out the bottles of wine at night and so far in a week lost 7lb


  • awesomeshark
    Congrats on your progress so far. It will be hard to permanently change your eating habits. There will be good weeks and bad weeks. Just remember to never quit. Keep going no matter how good or bad a day goes and make lots of friends. Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • stannyballs
    thank you i'm looking forward to the change of life style hopefully ill be more energetic n lively and learn lots of things along the way too. (Although yesterdays effort was horrific due to a works party 8-/ ) but hey ho i've still dropped 7lb and im back too the hard work again today.