Mental Health Issues and Loosing Weight

Ok Time to be honest.....I have not told anyone on here about this, but it is a huge part of who I am so I think I need to be more open.

I have Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression. I comfort eat, my therapist believes it is to fill a void. I just haven't worked out what that it. I eat all kinds of bad foods, in vast quantities.

I am in the middle of an episode and believe that if I ate healthier half of my problems would go away (Tiredness, no energy. aching which all leads to depression)

My medication makes me hungry too which does not help.

I am looking for advice from people with mental health issues. How on earth do you do it?

Eating and getting fatter is making my illness worse. It's a vicious circle.


  • Suerhv
    Suerhv Posts: 61 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't have a similar issue, though I guess I do comfort eat to fill voids and stress as well, and have some issues with anxiety. I did want to send you many hugs, though. I have heard from others in the past though, that exercise itself does help depression/mood problems, and it does help me... I have also tried to substitute better habits that also make me feel good...listening to music that makes me happy while I exercise instead of just sitting on the couch/eating or drinking to relax... fancy teas instead of wine, etc... exercise also helps with energy issues... setting goals in my exercise (trying to be able to run 10 km again after stopping running/exercising this year for the thousandth time)... it feels good to have every little success... when I'm working if I fit in 10 min of exercise I told myself it was better than none... and the first 10 min is the hardest I find.... I want to send you many can do this, with the help of your therapist, and we are here to listen whenever you need support.
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    My biggest suggestion to you would be focusing on your exercise. Studies indicate that exercise can help ease the symptoms of your depressive episode.

    I don't know what your symptoms are like, but when I was mildly (undiagnosed) depressed, I had a hard time getting the motivation to do any form of exercise. Find a way that you think will work to motivate yourself and good luck!

    Thank you for sharing your diagnosis with us. Mental health issues can be stigmatized, and I'm so glad you were comfortable enough to share them with us. Best wishes to you and feel free to add me!