Moral Support

I joined MFP a couple of weeks ago but didn't really start until last week. I plan to weigh in once a week and tomorrow will be the first. I've tried various weight loss plans before and sticking with it is hard for me. It's difficult to be the only one dieting in a household. I don't want to just lose weight. I've done that before but always gain it back. I want to make a lifestyle change this time. I want to lose healthy which will be difficult because 1-2 pounds a week doesn't give that instant gratification. I'm in desperate need of moral support and am willing to be the same for others.


  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    Friend request about to be sent. :happy:
  • kathydbd13
    My gosh, this sounds like something I could have posted! I've done so many things and just discovered MFP last week. So far it's easy and has been great. I'm trying to do C5K for exercise which is quite a challenge. I'm trying to do it just to be healthy and have a good 75 pounds or more that I desperately need to loose! Will send you a friend request.
  • greycee67
    greycee67 Posts: 12 Member
    I am about in the same boat.. Sending friend request!
  • lark99007
    lark99007 Posts: 4
    Thanks for your support guys. I really appreciate the encouragement I receive from all of you. We're in this boat together. We can do it.
  • tmalikia
    tmalikia Posts: 22 Member
    Nice to know there are people out there with my same struggle. Sending request
  • TMWILL1989
    Well, you taken the first step and every journey begins with just that. I would suggest doing a pic of you now and then do another in about 30 days. That really shows you how far you come. Because like you said 1 to 2 pounds just doesn't do it for most of us. I would also suggest doing some weight training to many women avoid this very important part of a good workout routine afraid they are going to get big. But the truth is you can't your testerone is so much lower than a man's you just can't build that muscle mass. For every pound of muscle you gain you burn 50 more calories a day! So by building muscle is helps you to burn calories. If you can get a workout partner. You have a 60% greater chance of sticking with it when you workout with someone. Also, if you can try to do a little workout say 20 mins in the morning 3 days per week. It can just beat a fast walk. Just enough to get your heart rate up a little. If you do it first thing in the morning your body has no fuel to burn for energy so it burns fat. Alright that's all for now. Good luck in your journey.
  • eandbmom
    eandbmom Posts: 51 Member
    I just started mfp about 10 days ago and I feel the same way as you. But, we can do it and we're all in this journey together. Sending friend request.
  • kheadworth
    I'm new to MFP. although i have been a member for a couple of years ive only started properly using it as of today. i want to try and achieve Couch to 5k by the end of the year and really want to lose alot of weight. wanting to find other people that can aspire me and encourage me along my journey. thank you :)
  • littlebee26
    littlebee26 Posts: 116
    The support you get here is so important. Friend request sent :)
  • Mishinmite
    Mishinmite Posts: 43 Member
    43 years old, 4 kids, stay at home mom, 50lbs. to lose (at least). Please add me. We need all the help we can get.
  • lark99007
    lark99007 Posts: 4
    Thanks. Most days I do a 30 min treadmill workout when I get get up 5:30 in the am and them sometime in the pm after dinner and whatever else is going on. I've been pretty consistent only missing a couple of the pm's so far. Any advice on weight training? I have 4 boys so there's no shortage of equipment around my house. I just don't know what to try so like an idiot I do nothing.
  • msfine2328
    msfine2328 Posts: 73 Member
    I am the only one in my house on a diet. Or actually I want to say a life style change. It is not easy. It has been this way for awhile. Did the on and off thing too. Good for you for sticking one foot forward. Friend request sent
  • shami19
    shami19 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, All...

    I'm new, too, and you could have written my same sentiments, Lark! :) I would love to share the weight-loss journey will all of you. Friend requests are sent! :) Should I miss anyone, please send me a request...
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've done all kinds of diets - lost weight, then gained it back. A friend of mine lost 72 pounds on MFP, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I've been doing this for more than a year now. I lost the weight I wanted to lose and am now maintaining. I log in religiously - even when I have a bad day. I also exercise daily - no exceptions. Sometimes it's just a walk, but I do something active every day. I think I may stay on MFP the rest of my life, but it's a pretty easy thing to do!
  • TMWILL1989
    I would check out They have several workouts that are ready to go and all listed out for weeks at a time. But I would also say that you can use your own body. Such as sit-ups, reverse sit-ups, squats, push-up... It's amazing what you can accomplish by just working with your on weight. Squats are one of the best fat burning workouts you can do. When you do walk on your treadmill try walking at a angle. You'll burn way more calories. Also make sure not to hold on to the rails. That really changes how much you are actually burning. If you need to hold the rails try either reducing your speed or your incline but always try to keep your hands free and off the rails. Also try do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) so basically run for 30sec then walk at a rate where you can catch your breath for 90 sec. Do this for about 20 to 30 mins. 3 times a week. I would also get some protein shakes. They taste great and really make you feel full. Plus, get a lot of nutriention all at once. If you do get the shakes make sure to drink one within 30 minutes of weight training. Helps to rebuild the muscles that are hunger for protein after a workout. You can have the shakes anytime but especially make sure to after workout.