Coffee & Sleeping

If I stop drinking coffee, instead of drinking a few cups per day (nothing excessive), can this improve my sleep?

And can drinking a cup of hot milk really make me much more sleepy?

Any more advice for good sleep?



  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I think it depends on You and how Caffeine affects your body. I know a LOT of people say they can't sleep if they have ANY Caffeine after 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

    :drinker: I have a Large Cup of Coffee EVERY Night at Bedtime and I have No Trouble sleeping!!

    :ohwell: I have No Idea about if the Warm Milk would help you . Try it and see what happens I guess.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    Weirdly enough, I find coffee makes me feel tired. No idea why
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Ha you're right there, it depends on the person. Just wondering if there are general patterns, but yeah there's so much variability. I require a LOT of coffee before I get trouble to get sleeping. But perhaps it may affect the quality of my sleep.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I can drink a pot of coffee and go to bed. I fall asleep really easy-:happy:
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am generally a great sleeper, but I do take 5 mg of melatonin from time to time and it definitely makes me sleep deeper. I drink lots of coffee and I drink it at night too. Depends on the person and how much of a tolerance you have built up to caffeine.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    I notice that if I drink coffee on an empty stomach, it makes me alert, but if I drink a cup of coffee after a big meal, it can make me sleepy.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Buy SleepyTime tea. Seriously. It does its job incredibly well. And it's cheap and all-natural.
  • epie2098
    epie2098 Posts: 224 Member
    I gave up coffee 8 days ago - I would typically have 1 16oz coffee upon waking, and another mid-morning or afternoon. For the first two days, I could barely move, and had headaches. After the headaches went away, my sleep quality and quantity has gone up immensely. I actually wake up feeling rested and refreshed. And I wasn't really drinking that much!
  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    I stop having coffee or any caffeinate beverages after 12pm.
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    Cutting caffiene out after 2 pm can help you to sleep better, at least that is the general recommendation. Your body usually processes it by the time you go to bed if you stop drinking it before this time. However, some of us are more sensitive to caffiene than others so it may benefit you to stop drinking it all together. Other tips for sleep... (i've had awful sleep disorders for years) dark, quiet, cool room. too many blankets can cause your body temp to rise at night and cause sweating which interferes. No electronic devices in bed! If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't watch tv or use your smart phone or computer, the blue light from these devices triggers the brain into thinking it's time to get up for good! If you are noise sensitive use a fan or white noise machine. If it's stress that's keeping you up at night find a way to unwind before bed (meditation, hot herbal tea, warm milk whatever). Use the bed for sex and sleep only. if you are continually plagued by sleep problems see a doctor, it may be nothing but you may have a medical condition (like sleep apnea) that is causing you to wake up frequently.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Do be careful not to cut back too fast... those withdrawl headaches can be evil. Chamomile and valerian can help, otherwise if your tastes run toward the pill route there's always benadryl lol
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Do be careful not to cut back too fast... those withdrawl headaches can be evil. Chamomile and valerian can help, otherwise if your tastes run toward the pill route there's always benadryl lol

    I just quit smoking a few days ago after a relapse of some months, after quitting for more than 6 months. I know all about withdrawal! ;)

    Fortunately I don't drink that much coffee so it's quite easy to just drink what I drink before 2 PM - will do that! I will also stop using my ipad/laptop in my bed, or just before going to bed, because that can indeed ruin my sleep. Good advice somanyrhoades!

    Well done epie2098! Interesting that it has so much effect to quit it 100%. Perhaps that's the next stage.
  • jmjdubai2013
    I feel drinking a cup of coffee can't take you to sleep. But drinking a cup of mil before going to bed will give you a sound sleep. But everything depends on how your body react to caffeine.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    As the self appoionted queen of all coffee drinkers I will say it depends on how your body reacts. I work night shift so I go thru A LOT of coffee (about two pots or 8 to 10 cups a night). After shift I workout and then head home, shower and hit the bed. I'm out pretty quickly. ************THIS IS NOT SAYING THAT PEOPLE SHOULD DRINK AS MUCH COFFEE AS I DO!!!!***************

    Now on the other hand, if my husband has coffee anytime after breakfast he can not sleep at all.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    You could try it. Wearing a blindfold and ear plugs works for me.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    eat banana and drink milk,, can help you in sleeping,, don't drink too much coffee because it has high content of caffeine that can make you energetic or stay awake
  • jmjdubai2013
    Hey all.. I was searching on internet for some articles relating to coffee and health. I found some useful coffee articles in Nescafe website( Just have a look at it if you want to know the benefits of coffee and the article will also clear all your doubts regarding coffee and your health.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Almost Every Evening my Hubby and I -- And The Cat!! -- walk to 7-11, mostly sop I can get my Bedtime Coffee. It is usually a 20 ounce cup, sometimes 24 ounce. After I drink it I go to bed and am asleep before the 30 Minute Timer turns the Television off.
    :drinker: I start the day with Two 20 Ounce Cups of Coffee, then it is Water, Fat Free Milk, V-8 (low sodium) or Green Tea for the rest of the day -- Until Bedtime.

    :heart: Thanks for the Info on Nescafe!!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Just have a look at it if you want to know the benefits of coffee and the article will also clear all your doubts regarding coffee and your health.

    That's like going to the Marlboro site to learn about the health benefits of smoking.
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    i am a coffee addict lol. I blame being a barista in college.

    I have high tolerance, need it in morning, and can drink 10 minutes before bed and will sleep just fine. It all depends on how your body handles the caffeine.