balance between calories too high/too low and exercise

I work out 4-6 times a week ( I aim for 6 and usually hit 6 days, but occasionally the schedule throws some curveballs at me!)
I do 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of strength training each day I work out. My strength training switches up a LOT and usually involves kettle bells or some sort of more cardio based exercises. Anyway, my cardio burns typically 200-300 calories and then maybe 100 in strength training.

I am actually at a higher weight than when I started this all back in April, though I've lost some inches overall.

I started eating TDEE -20% which was around 1700 calories. First week was bloated as all get out and gained 3 lbs. then it came off again and I saw normal results as far as inches off. Now I feel like I hit another plateau. Do I recalculate? Do I up my calories? Or lower them? Do I spend more time in cardio each day than I have been?

Kinda stumped. I've built muscle and definitely lost fat, but my fat loss feels like it stagnated.

What should I do?


  • splutschak
    splutschak Posts: 17
    I set my calories at 1200 ... I also seen a "diet doctor" a few years ago and he would tell everyone to eat 1200 calories a day (just making the point that you will not die).
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I set my calories at 1200 ... I also seen a "diet doctor" a few years ago and he would tell everyone to eat 1200 calories a day (just making the point that you will not die).
    I would die, or feel like doing so, anyway. :tongue: 1200 makes me hangry, and not pleasant to be around.

    OP, how long have you been doing TDEE & how long have you been at a standstill? If you have lost inches and or weight since starting, couldn't hurt to run your numbers again and see if anything has changed. But if it's only been a month or less, give it time.
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    Good question! I just checked and its been 8 weeks. But I haven't lost weight at all as of now. I did lose 3 lbs after a few weeks but it came back again. Not sure why. And the 3 lbs lost ere the week of July 4-8th and I did not eat very well that week! Had a lot more to drink etc than I ever do! So not sure what happened. A week or so later it crept back up again.

    That's the thing- scale hasn't really changed, but I have only seen real changes in inches. So idk if recalculating my TDEE would do anything? Unless I do my TDEEand then change the percentage I subtract? Instead of doing TDEE -20%' do TDEE -15%? Idk
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I would die as well if I did 1200! I would be a starving ravenous grump!
  • greatwestescape
    How tall are you, what is your current weight, goal weight & age.

    How much exercise do you get everyday or per week & how much of what type?

    You may be eating too little, you may be eating too much (e.g. if you're 5 foot 2) or you are losing inches and gaining muscle so you dont see it on the scale...
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    I am almost 25 years old, 5 foot 1.75 inches tall. 147lbs. I don't really have a goal weight as much as a physical appearance. If I got to where I want as far as inches and how I look then I don't care what number the scale says. I have about 2-3 more overall inches to lose, particularly around my abdominal area. Legs are great, maybe could lose an inch on my upper thigh area at most, and upper arms could lose an inch as well. But mainly abdominal area.

    I have absolutely lost fat and gained muscle since April. But the last few weeks feel stagnant as far as fat loss.
  • greatwestescape
    1) eat 1650 calories a day on your workout days
    2) eat 1500 calories a day on days you dont workout

    This will allow -8lb/month

    Google how to measure body fat %. Calculate that and continue w/ new calorie count. You should see a 0.3% drop per 7 days.
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    How did you come up with those numbers?
    I workout 6 days a week usually.
  • greatwestescape
    You can google formulas for calorie intake.

    I figured out your rough body fat % and took into account age, gender, height, weight and a good rate of loss.

    Calories burned is over estimated by about 15%
  • greatwestescape
    If you calculate your body fat %, google calorie intake calculator and use your body fat % in the formula
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You might be overestimating your activity level with TDEE (I workout every day and my fitbit confirmed that I'm still closer to lightly active than moderately active, because I don't move that much otherwise), or not weighing your food probably.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    1) eat 1650 calories a day on your workout days
    2) eat 1500 calories a day on days you dont workout

    This will allow -8lb/month

    Google how to measure body fat %. Calculate that and continue w/ new calorie count. You should see a 0.3% drop per 7 days.

    given the OPs stats she shouldnt not be aiming to lose 8lb per month... she said herself, she is wanting fat loss not a lot of weight loss.

    i would suggest changing up your workouts - try full body strength training 3 x per week, look at stronglifts 5x5 or NROL4W and do HIIT for your cardio.

    fat loss is slower than just weight loss, so try and be patient!
  • melissadsims
    melissadsims Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks. Yes fat loss not necessarily weight loss!

    I actually take a core class twice a week where the instructor switches it up every time. Then I also have him change up my strength training routine every 4 weeks or so that I do 4 times a week. So I don't think it's that I'm not switching it up. I'm a bit more concerned with my cardio. I'm not sure I'm doing enough. 30 mins 6x a week isn't a TON but if I do more i would be really tired during my strength training afterwards.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Stay at TDEE - 20% and give it more time.
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    What are you using to calculate your TDEE?
    I've been using: since Feb and I'm down 41 lbs.

    When you enter your weights, enter your CURRENT weight in the place where it says GOAL weight - so you'll use that number twice.

    Your particular chart (I said you were 5'1") looks like this:

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1757
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2013
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2269
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2525
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 2782

    I have ALWAYS used the sedentary or light activity TDEEs - never more than that, and I workout at least 35 minutes SEVEN days a week. :)

    In your case, lightly active minus 20% is 1610 - I'd start there
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Do you use a food scale?
    If so, maybe play with your macros a bit. Try more fat and protein, less carbs. Also, it will kind of be a pain in the butt, but go back in your diary to where you started doing TDEE-20% and take the average gross calories you *actually* consumed, reduce it by 10%, and make that your new calorie goal.

    If you don't measure your food with a scale, get one, and see if that makes a difference while aiming to hit your same calorie goal you've been aiming to hit. Still can't hurt to play with your macros a bit and reduce carbs in favor of protein or fat.