Does anyone remember T.O.P.S.?

About 40 yrs ago my mother joined a weight loss group called T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). The first thing they did every meeting was a weigh in. Anyone who gained ANY weight had to wear a necklace with a big pig on it (for the entire meeting). Not my idea of motivation.


  • Danielle_Style
    Danielle_Style Posts: 90 Member
    Wow! That would either inspire me to quit or develop an eating disorder. So glad I never joined that group. Or that they went out of business.
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    Wow! I think things have changed significantly over the years. I joined TOPS in April of this year. When you weigh in weekly, it is done in a private room with the door closed! I have found it to be a very supportive and non-commercial enviroment, YMMV.
  • Tammymig
    Tammymig Posts: 8 Member
    My mother did that too. I forgot all about it.
  • My mother-in-law was in T.O.P.S. for most of her adult life. It is still in business. I remember how she would obsess over what she ate and what she wore to the meetings. She had to wear her lightest clothes, because every little ounce counted. I think her group had something where you had to put money in a pot for every 1/4 pound you had gained and the person with the most weight loss would get what was in the pot that week.
  • GlassCutter7
    GlassCutter7 Posts: 14 Member
    I remember hearing the name of the program, but did not know the program itself, That necklace sounds terrible! Glad I never joined, :)
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    All I remember is that we had to have liver at least twice a week. Gruesome for a skinny child
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    About 10 yrs ago I joined TOPS and lost 140+ pounds... it was the best experience of my life, there was no pig wearing necklaces at that chapter.. it was neat if you lost weight you would exchange little gifts kinda like a secret santa and the ladies there was so motivational ... wish there was a local chapter here...
  • wisteria55
    wisteria55 Posts: 42 Member
    T.O.P.S. is very active still and they do have the weigh ins at the beginning of the meetings, I was weight recorder for 3 years one of my local tops meeting..the days of the pig are over, they have evolved and are doing quite well. I did enjoy my meetings but after working all day I just got tired of going right after work, even for one night to work again for about 2 hours. We had a small group and only a few would hold office. We had several do well and even on woman who was the queen during the time I was weight recorder. She had lost over 100 pounds, she was in her mid 30s and on her night of crowning she wore her Senior Prom dress which was a very small gown...she looked wonderful. I found my self after of many years of that organization that it was just not working for me....MFP helps me work in the program when it fits my schedule, DVDs that I use for walking fits in my schedule and that helps it all work together...I love what I am doing...and it's working...!!
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    My mother-in-law was in T.O.P.S. for most of her adult life. It is still in business. I remember how she would obsess over what she ate and what she wore to the meetings. She had to wear her lightest clothes, because every little ounce counted. I think her group had something where you had to put money in a pot for every 1/4 pound you had gained and the person with the most weight loss would get what was in the pot that week.

    Interesting the part about wearing her lightest clothes, etc. cause that sounds like about half of the folks on here ANY time they have their personal weigh-in, lol!
  • When I was young, my mom was in Weight Watchers, and she cooked liver and cabbage a lot. I could never bring myself to eat either one because of how much they STANK when she made them!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    we have them here
    no that's messed up
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    TOPS meets at my church. It's a bunch of older ladies trying to lose weight. Nobody under the age of 50 is a member at the group at my church. I was in the church office listening to their meeting and couldn't believe the amount of information that was "old wives tales" that was circulating. I was thinking "are they serious?" ... but good on them for the accountability part.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    ... and there was no pig necklace thing, that is sick and disgusting.
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    My mother-in-law was in T.O.P.S. for most of her adult life. It is still in business. I remember how she would obsess over what she ate and what she wore to the meetings. She had to wear her lightest clothes, because every little ounce counted. I think her group had something where you had to put money in a pot for every 1/4 pound you had gained and the person with the most weight loss would get what was in the pot that week.

    Interesting the part about wearing her lightest clothes, etc. cause that sounds like about half of the folks on here ANY time they have their personal weigh-in, lol!

    I weigh naked for a reason
  • crystalrp
    crystalrp Posts: 113 Member
    TOPS is still very active. I believe each local chapter comes up with their own incentives, prizes, and contests for most weight lost, etc. Then they have big state-wide and nationwide meetings yearly or quarterly or something. I think it is a great way to be accountable and have some encouragement, plus it is wayyy less expensive than weight watchers. Also, it is for any age, not just older people.
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm glad that T.O.P.S. has helped so many people. It's just like MFP only live action. :happy:
    I'm glad they got rid of the pig necklace :laugh:
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    I went in my early 20's, lost about 30 pounds at the time, then got married, pregnant and unfortunately stopped going.

    No pig necklace, private weigh in, but we did 'pay' for gains. The money was used for ribbons, pins that were little tops with stones for different amounts of weight lost, etc. Fun and helpful! My friend and I were the youngest members at the time, so the older ladies would 'teach us all of their tips'.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Oh lord that is awful.

    Did anyone watch Little Britain? It sounds like something from the Fat Fighters skit because it's so awful.
  • Michielynn222
    Michielynn222 Posts: 81 Member
    My mother-in-law was in T.O.P.S. for most of her adult life. It is still in business. I remember how she would obsess over what she ate and what she wore to the meetings. She had to wear her lightest clothes, because every little ounce counted. I think her group had something where you had to put money in a pot for every 1/4 pound you had gained and the person with the most weight loss would get what was in the pot that week.

    ^^ This would motivate me lol.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    My mother did that too. I forgot all about it.

    My mother did it as well and didn't remember it at all until I saw your topic... she used to laugh that she always had to wear the pig:laugh: ....