51 premenopausal and having a hard time losing

atibrat Posts: 70 Member
Hi my name is Tammy and I am having a hard time losing weight.

I have a herniated disk in my neck that limits my exercise to mostly walking
and not sure if it is menopause or what but I feel like I have PMS everyday.

I am craving sweets especially chocolate - how do you fight that?

I am trying to eat healthy but it would help if I could get rid of this
chocolate monster that keeps popping up.

Anyone else finding this time of your life harder than ever to lose.



  • ptminer
    ptminer Posts: 2

    My name is Rich. I am 57 years old and know how hard it is to loose the weight. Five weeks ago I decided that enough was enough. I gave up all processed foods, milk, sugar and anything genetically modified. My meals consist of fresh fruits and vegetables. I switched to soy milk and stivia for my sweetener. I only eat chicken, turkey or ham and have lost 15lbs. in five weeks. I do not crave sweets of any kind anymore. I feel great and people are beginning to comment about how good I look. If I can do it. You can too! Add me as a friend if you like (ptminer).
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I hate to say this but until recently no. I lost 83 pounds with exercise. I think now that I'm closer to being done it's harder though. I too, have a neck injury. It was difficult when I began exercising, but I've found that my neck has gotten stronger and I'm less prone to those 3 day neck/jaw/headaches. When I do get them they are only 1 1/2 days. So, if walking is what you can do it's a great exercise. Really get your HR up for about 45 minutes 4-5 days a weeks. As I got to exercising more I wanted to eat more healthy. I've not really dieted. I just try and eat more healthy.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I am 51 like you, but dont have any exercise limitations. I usually dont do any exercising except walking though. You can do this if I can! Friend me if you like.