for those of you with osteoarthritis...

After 6 months of severe pain and loss of hip mobility, I finally received a diagnosis of osteoarthritis today (and I am so thankful the diagnosis wasn't something worse!). I just turned 42, and I'm feeling a little sorry for frustrating. Anyway, I was wondering, for those of you with arthritis, what exercises do you find most helpful to relieve pain and also to lose weight and stay in shape? Running is out of the question for me now, and my horseback riding career has sadly ended due to this. I'm not big into swimming either. Has anyone had sucess with barre classes, biking, pilates?


  • Esther20930
    I'm 29 and in the beginning I had osteoarthritis pretty bad. Mine is mostly contained to my collarbone/breastbone joint, ribs, spine, shoulders, hands, neck area. I know you said you weren't into swimming but between that (water aerobics) and doing yoga that has helped the most. Walking also helps as does biking. Oddly enough, I have no problems doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I just go slow and have a day of rest in between. Hope that helps!!