alli diet pills



  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    Please save your money. The results from them were minimal and if you eat more fat than you should you will have a gross oily orange leakage. Unless you are very careful in what you eat or plan on wearing a maxi pad....enough said.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    welp screw that i guess lol i wanted 2 try m cus i thought that it was cool how it stopped grease from turnin into fat but hell with all u sayin no i think ill just stick 2 diet and exercise lol besides i dont eat to much fat anyways sugar is my weakness lol


  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Imagine, being out at the nightclub, and dancing, and then woops.... and you really cant bust into the bathroom too quickly, you have to stand in line, and then meanwhile poop is running down your leg..

    i hear people have to take a change of clothes with them in case they have accidents during the day.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    I have used them in the past before and had good results. Yes I did have gross side affects but as long as you watch your fat intake then it wont be a problem. If you eat fat, greasy food all day then yes it will get nasty.

    It didn't make me lose a ton of weight but what it did do was make me lose enough weight to lower my BMI from the borderline overweight/obese range to the "normal" range, once i hit that mark then it stopped working and i stopped taking them, but with my continued diet and exercise I lost more weight.

    Did I gain the weight back? Yes but that was because i went back to my old eating habits and stopped the healthy habits I had formed while on Alli. If I had the money I would buy a bottle and try again since I gave gotten way up there on my weight.
  • maca416
    maca416 Posts: 142 Member
    I didn't eat that much fat when I used them but had many disgusting accidents when out, I would avoid them like the plague & just focus on changing your diet for good to slowly lose the weight.

    Believe me if you get the side effects out of the rear like I did you would never use them again.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I was put on the stronger form of these by my doctor in 2011 (orlistat 120's) 3x per day.

    I was allowed max of 30g of fat per day, after one mishap i avoided cheese/bacon/steak/sausage/cream/milk/some types of butter.

    I managed a month on them, went from 15 stone down to 13.7. Then the supply ran out.

    I didnt feel good, i didnt look good, i had cravings for food that i couldnt have.

    Orilistat/ali can not tell the difference between good fat/bad fat, to the tablet its ALL fat that needs to be out of the system. So high fat healthy foods like nuts/avocado and the likes should be avoided.

    Although its good to start off with, its not something that you can maintain, also like all medications it can stay in your system for around 2 weeks after your last tablet, i found this out too the hard way.

    Some people think they are wonderful, i personally dont. They dont teach you to eat properly so like most 'diet aids' no soon as you come off them, you will slowly gain back all the weight you have lost (in my case plus an extra stone). Its not healthy to be on 30g of fat a day (think the minimum UK recommendation is around 40g?) I didnt do much in the form of exercise whilst on them either.

    Yes the weight comes off quickly, but thats only because your restricting yourself so that you dont have the runs... Orange oily leakage is NOT nice, it stains underwear and dependent on amount of leakage can stain clothes. It also leaves a nice orange oil after every bowel movement that even extra thick bleach cannot remove from your once pristine white toilet.
  • xjoseyx
    xjoseyx Posts: 74
    My doctor gave me these. They sucked. The leakage is gross. It looks like the red oil you get on top of a pepperoni pizza.
  • jhandur
    jhandur Posts: 19 Member
    My mom used those and they did help her a little but not enough to motivate her to keep using them for long. It mostly works because you pretty much have to stick to the diet or suffer the leakage. As an example: my mom got a hamburger patty which she says was okay with the Alli supplement. Then one day she decided to get an order of fries with her burger and she made a mess all over her bathroom not too long after. If your body doesn't absorb the fat, it has to go somewhere...
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Even IF they had no side effects, and you wouldn't have weight gained back after stopping taking them... how exactly does "fat" leaving the body help with losing weight? Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories does.... Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet...

    It sounds like the manufacturers are playing on the old myth of fat making you fat... which is really sad :(
    At least one article I read had a physician suggest that the real power of Alli is keeping people from eating too much junk food by conditioning them to associate the high fat foods with the gross side effects.

    I read somewhere that the average american eats too much cheese, and could lose weight just from giving it up. And if you give up your weekly large pizza or your three Burger King a week habit, you'll lose weight I guess.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Even IF they had no side effects, and you wouldn't have weight gained back after stopping taking them... how exactly does "fat" leaving the body help with losing weight? Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories does.... Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet...

    It sounds like the manufacturers are playing on the old myth of fat making you fat... which is really sad :(
    At least one article I read had a physician suggest that the real power of Alli is keeping people from eating too much junk food by conditioning them to associate the high fat foods with the gross side effects.

    I read somewhere that the average american eats too much cheese, and could lose weight just from giving it up. And if you give up your weekly large pizza or your three Burger King a week habit, you'll lose weight I guess.

    so the meds real intent is to discourage you from eating fat by making you so sick and disgusting that that would be the incentive?

    well, i could slap myself with a stick while holding up a piece of pie and get the same effect without the runny diarrhea :)

    or i could just not eat those things at all and then thereby save the trouble of getting hit with a stick, having exploding diarrhea and having to bring 2 sets of clothes with me every day to work.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    how comfortable are you with pooping your pants?
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    I have had exactly one friend who used them successfully (eg: lost weight on them). He lost 29 lbs and when he went off them he regained the weight he lost. He **** himself 4 times in 6 months after eating greasy meals. He had no incontinence of the bowel issues before or after. The others got some greasy smears in their pants and bailed out promptly so no idea if they would or wouldn't have lost weight but apparently they weighted "not ****ting myself" higher than losing weight they would gain back since it wasn't a life style change.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    I'm a scorpio, so I'm 100% in favor of doing any crazy thing to achieve my goals. If I could afford to remake my entire body into my ideal via surgery tomorrow I probably would, but having chronic disgusting oily stools really doesn't line up with the lifestyle I want to lead. Like at all.

    Fixed this for you:

    "but having chronic disgusting *IMPROMPTU* oily stools *IN MY PANTS* really doesn't line up with the lifestyle I want to lead. Like at all."

    Think of it not as randomly ****ting yourself, but think of it rather as an early admittance to the worst out come of being very very old and incontinent. You could get to try adult diapers years before you'd otherwise need them though!

    Edit: I wish we could give someone karma, your post would get it from me, I've not laughed that hard in days. This thread is just full of win.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    My doctor gave me these. They sucked. The leakage is gross. It looks like the red oil you get on top of a pepperoni pizza.

    Except it smells exactly like rancid oil covered ****... while the stuff off a pizza isn't healthy but at least is tasty on the bread... I wouldn't recommend tasting the orange seepage.
  • HSokol
    HSokol Posts: 67 Member
    Personally i don't think it's worth the money or the ffort to take diet pills. Plain old diet and exercise has worked the best for me. If you read the labels and the fine print on those pill bottles they explain that are recorded over a 90 day period, so its all bull**** that the commercials advertise and say that you can "lose ten pounds fast". Just count your calories and exercise like 4 times a week.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Best case scenario, your lifestyle adjustment will be delayed for as long as it takes you to finish or quit those pills.
    Worst case scenario, you'll have a humiliating moment where you have anal leakage in public, and remain fat all your life.

    Conclusions: Don't wear white pants. And the sooner ditch those pills, the better it will be for your success.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    I'll just throw this out here...

    (maybe not alli)

    (funny as hell)

  • Mitchlou84
    Mitchlou84 Posts: 135
    You don't poo yourself if you stick to the fat recommendations. In fact you would have to go pretty far over to get some of the symptoms you were describing.

    I was prescribed them for a while, no issues, in my opinion it helped me lose weight because I wasn't tempted to reach for the takeaway menu etc as I knew that there could be bad side effects.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i do not do pills but i hear they work. as far as side affects, idk but with pills ya neva know so good luck!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i do not do pills but i hear they work. as far as side affects, idk but with pills ya neva know so good luck!

    great, insightful and informative post! 312711_241451205901241_854708320_n.jpg