exercise videos and calories

How are you supposed to log calories from a workout video? There is no way of knowing.


  • mwpagano
    Easy, get yourself a heart rate monitor. Wear it during your workout then just create the workout and add your time and calories burned.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    There IS a way of knowing. The only way to know accurately (well, more precise) is to get a heart rate monitor. This is true for all exercises, even the ones that are in MFP. The calories burned on this site, or any site for that matter, are estimates and do not take into consideration your weight or age. A HRM does. Good luck!!!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't have an HRM so I have to guess. You can choose aerobics and choose the level you feel you worked at (general, low or high), or if you did something simialr to the 30 day shred I log that as cross training. Don't include the minutes for the warm up, just the body of the workout and you should be close.