frequency of weigh ins...



  • Does anyone know how quickly 'eating too much' turns into extra weight? I'm just wondering if, say, overeating on Monday will really show up on Tuesday's weigh in or if the process takes longer than that?

    I only weigh in once a week, or less, depends when I can get to some scales!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Does anyone know how quickly 'eating too much' turns into extra weight? I'm just wondering if, say, overeating on Monday will really show up on Tuesday's weigh in or if the process takes longer than that?

    I only weigh in once a week, or less, depends when I can get to some scales!

    Most large daily weight fluctuations are due to water retention, not fat gain. I wouldn't think you'd necessarily see it the same day, but might the next day or the following. But remember that it takes ~3500 calories to gain a pound of fat - if you had a REALLY bad overeating day on Monday, you'd probably see that pound over Tuesday/Wednesday time period.

    I can, however, become dehydrated and have a lot of sodium one day and be guaranteed to see it on the scale the next. My water retention gains/losses go up to 2-3 pounds vs. 0.14 lbs I might put on of fat because I ate over my TEE number by 500 (which is approximately 1500 cals above MFP goal).
  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    sooooo, my question is, how often do you weigh in???? what are the pros and cons of how you do it???? how do you keep yourself OFF your scale in between weighins? do you see results the way you do it???

    I'm big on delaying gratification, so once a week works for me. I do it Monday morning, after my workouts and the bathroom. I like doing it Monday morning because it keeps me on toes for the weekend. Before I would do it on Friday or Saturday, but then I'd notice that I had lost weight and would splurge over the weekend. Every once in a while I'll step on the scale mid-week, but I try to avoid that these days, and I never record those weights. I know I'm supposed to measure my waist too, but I never do that anymore.

    As for results, yes, I'm seeing them. 80 pounds down so far!
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I log my weight here every Wednesday morning. I do weigh myself daily. I sometimes lose weight and then gain it back by Wednesday. Anyway, once a week for tracking and daily to make sure I'm not gaining too much on a single day.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I weigh everyday and take my official weight on Fridays. I just keep in mind that it is very normal for weight to change a few pounds here and there from day to day and hour to hour. Recently I weighed in the morning and got 254lbs and then weighed that night to get 258, it doesn't bother me to see it change as long as it keeps heading down at my weekly weigh in.
  • I am starting off once a month but it may well be more frequently LOL
  • Just once a week!! If I feel a little bloated or what not i might weigh other times but only count once a week.
  • I weigh in every morning...(and then some) just cuz im curious...but i only record every 3-5 days on my calendar! Thanks for the poll....FUNNN!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I do my "official" WI's that I track here weekly. BUT, I weigh almost daily, just to get an idea of how the scale fluctuates along the way.
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